A probability problem by XY Y

在Z 26上有多少个2*2方阵有模26乘法逆元?(矩阵元素取值范围0到25整数,0、25可取) How many 2 * 2 squares Z 26 \mathbb{Z}_{26} have modulo 26 multiplicative inverses? The matrix elements range from 0 to 25 integers inclusive.

or: a,b,c,d(whole number) range from 0 to 25,x=ab-cd.How many combinations of a,b,c,d make x and 26 mutally prime?

The answer is 157248.

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1 solution

Using a digital computer, try to invert all 2 6 4 = 456976 26^4=456976 matrices to see which matrices were successfully inverted.

使用數字計算機,嘗試反轉所有 2 6 4 = 456976 26^4=456976 矩陣,以查看哪些矩陣成功反轉。

The inverse of ( a b c d ) \left( \begin{array}{cc} a & b \\ c & d \\ \end{array} \right) is ( d b c a ) a d b c \frac{\left( \begin{array}{cc} d & -b \\ -c & a \\ \end{array} \right)}{a d-b c} .

Only the integers 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23 and 25 have multiplicative inverses in Z 26 \mathbb{Z}_{26} . Therefore the only matrices that can be inverted are those that are non-singular in the normal matrix sense and for which the fraction 1 a d b c \frac{1}{a d-b c} can be inverted to a multiplication by having a denominator that is one of those previously mentioned integers with multiplicative inverse in Z 26 \mathbb{Z}_{26} .

In Z 26 \mathbb{Z}_{26} , the multiplicative inverses are, respectively: 1 1 , 3 9 , 5 21 , 7 15 , 9 3 , 11 19 , 15 7 , 17 23 , 19 11 , 21 5 , 23 17 , 1\to 1,\,3\to 9,\,5\to 21,\,7\to 15,\,9\to 3,\,11\to 19,\,15\to 7,\,17\to 23,\,19\to 11,\,21\to 5,\,23\to 17, and 25 25 25\to 25 .

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