A number theory problem by Firoz Shahriar


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3 solutions

Sanjoy Roy
Apr 7, 2015

(-1)^1 = -1

(-2)^2 = 4



Mohammad Farhat
Aug 23, 2018

I did not know the answer. I guessed … REASONABLY

I noticed that -1 , 4 and -27 were all powers and I knew that 256 was a power too so I submitted my answer like that

Tarun Singh
Apr 7, 2015

nth term of the series is
( 1 ) n n n (-1)^n*n^n
1 1 , 2 2 , 3 3 , 4 4 , 5 5 -1^1, 2^2,-3^3, 4^4, -5^5

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