Rising Stars

Classical Mechanics Level pending

A certain star appears to rise from the east at 9.30 pm on a particular day . From the same place of observation after 25 days the same star appears to rise from the east at about ?

Source: NSEA 2014

11.10 pm 8.05 pm 9.30 pm 7.50 pm

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1 solution

Rohit Udaiwal
Sep 3, 2015

Every day rise of ☆ is delayed by 4 minutes due to revolution of earth around the sun ;so the delayed time becomes 25 × 4 = 100 25×4=100 minutes that is 11.10 pm..

"4 minutes due to revolution of earth around the sun "

How do you know this?

Pi Han Goh - 5 years, 9 months ago

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