What is the smallest positive integer N N such that the last three digits of 123 × N 123 \times N are 001?

The answer is 187.

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11 solutions

Priyansh Sangule
Oct 13, 2013

Let N be of the form a b c \overline{abc} ( valid for 3 , 2 and one digit numbers )

Therefore the given condition can be written as : \ 0 1 2 3 × a b c 0 0 c 2 c 3 c 0 b 2 b 3 b X a 2 a 3 a X X ? ? ? ? 0 0 1 \ \dfrac { \dfrac{ \begin{matrix} 0 & 1 & 2 & 3 \\ \times & a & b & c \end{matrix} } { \begin{matrix} 0 & 0 & c & 2c & 3c \\ 0 & b & 2b & 3b & X \\ a & 2a & 3a & X & X \end{matrix} } } { \begin{matrix} ?? & ?? & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{matrix} }

We observe that :

c = 7 c = 7 will be the least number possible to give us unit digit as 1 1 .

Now , carrying 2 to the tens place : [As 3 × 7 = 21 3 \times 7 = 21 ] .

2 c + 3 b + 2 = 3 b + 16 0 2c + 3b + 2 = 3b + 16 \rightarrow 0

Here ,

b = 8 b = 8 will be the * least number possible * to give us tens digit as 0 0 .

Now ,

carrying 4 to the hundreds place : [As 3 × 8 + 16 = 40 3 \times 8 + 16 = 40 ]

c + 2 b + 3 a + 4 = 3 a + 27 0 c + 2b + 3a + 4 = 3a + 27 \rightarrow 0

Here ,

a = 1 a = 1 will be the * least number possible * to give us hundreds digit as 0 0

Hence. a b c = 187 \overline{abc} = 187 .

Therefore , 187 \boxed{187} is the required number .

Nice calculations.

However, I would like to point out that when finding the minimum possible value of a b c \overline{abc} , you want to minimize a a then b b then c c , as opposed to the other way around. E.g. To find the smallest 3-digit number that is a multiple of 3, you'd want a = 1 , b = 0 , c = 2 a = 1, b = 0, c = 2 . As opposed to saying c = 0 , b = 0 , a = 3 c = 0, b = 0, a = 3 .

This doesn't affect your solution, because there is a unique value of c c and b b . Hence, instead of saying

c = 7 c=7 will be the least number possible to give us unit digit as 1.

it should instead be

c = 7 c = 7 is the only possible value to give us unit digit as 1.

Likewise for the case of b b , and the case of a a is properly written.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years, 7 months ago

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Oh yes sir! Thank you for pointing it out. Ill surely keep that in mind.

Priyansh Sangule - 7 years, 7 months ago

I used the same way and this is the easiest solution possible without the knowledge of mod values..

Ayush Garg - 7 years, 8 months ago

we had the same solution

Rindell Mabunga - 7 years, 8 months ago

Hah, I used a Python program because I was tired of guessing values on my calculator. (I knew that the last digit was 7 though, so calcing wasn't too hard)

William Cui - 7 years, 8 months ago

hi I dont understand how u done this plz tell me simlest and clear way t solve this .. tthanxxx

Purwa Ali - 7 years, 7 months ago

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Basically, we are looking at the numbers that can be multiplied to 123 to produce the digits 001. For example, for the units digit, only 7 can be multiplied to 3 to obtain a number with a units digit of 1.

William Cui - 7 years, 7 months ago

for me using modulo is hard hahaha

Rindell Mabunga - 7 years, 8 months ago

nice skills you have

Devesh Rai - 7 years, 8 months ago

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Thank you !

Priyansh Sangule - 7 years, 8 months ago
Carl Denton
Oct 13, 2013

123 N 1 ( m o d 1000 ) 123N \equiv 1 (mod 1000) . The multiplicative inverse of 123 mod 1000 is 187, so N 187 ( m o d 1000 ) N \equiv 187 (mod 1000)

How did you deduce that 187 was the multiplicative inverse mod 1000 of 123?

William Mitchell - 7 years, 8 months ago

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gcd(1000, 123) = 1, so we can apply the extended Euclidean algorithm: 1000 123 8 = 16 1000 - 123 * 8 =16 123 16 7 = 11 123 - 16 * 7 = 11 16 11 1 = 5 16 - 11*1 = 5 11 5 2 = 1 11 -5*2 = 1 Plugging back in backwards, we find that: 11 ( 16 11 1 ) 2 = 1 3 11 2 16 = 1 11-(16-11*1)*2 = 1\rightarrow 3*11-2*16 = 1 3 ( 123 16 7 ) 2 16 = 1 3 123 23 16 = 1 3*(123-16*7)-2*16 = 1\rightarrow 3*123-23*16=1 3 123 23 ( 1000 123 8 ) = 1 187 123 23 1000 = 1 3*123-23*(1000-123*8)=1\rightarrow 187 * 123-23*1000=1 So 187 123 1 ( m o d 1000 ) 187*123\equiv1(mod1000) .

Carl Denton - 7 years, 8 months ago

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Indeed, you should have mentioned in your solution that you used the technique of Euclidean Algorithm to find the multiplicative inverse. That will help others understand how you worked it out (instead of plucking the number magically from thin air).

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years, 7 months ago

explain how did u get that through multiplicative inverse

rajachowdary raj - 7 years, 7 months ago

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There's an explanation in the comments, apologies for that. Unfortunately I don't know any good books on number systems, sorry.

Carl Denton - 7 years, 7 months ago

can u tell me any good book for number systems plz

rajachowdary raj - 7 years, 7 months ago
Mohith Manohara
Oct 13, 2013

Assume N = a b c N=\frac{}{abc} , where a is the hundred's digit, b is the ten's digit, and c is the one's digit.

We know that the ones digit has to be 1. The ones digit of the final product is the is the ones digit of the product of the ones digits of 123 and N.

So 3 N = f 1 3N=\frac{}{f1} , where f is a single digit number. The only number that works is 7, because 3 7 = 21 3*7=21 .

The ten's digit is the sum of ( ( 2 7 + 2 ) + 3 c ((2*7+2)+3c So 16 + 3 c 16+3c has to have a one's digit of zero. The only number that adds with 6 to get some number of zero is 4. So 3 c = d 4 3c=\frac{}{d4} , where d is another single digit number. 3*8=24, so the ten's digit is 8.

At this point it would be easiest to simply do guess and check, since we narrowed it down to 10 numbers.

123 87 = 10701 123*87=10701

123 187 = 23001 123*187=23001

187 gives us a product of 23001, so the answer is 87 \boxed{87}

Steven Steel
Nov 8, 2016

The format of this solution doesn't recognized by the system.

answer = 187

00861 09840



to get 1st digit "1" in 001 , 3 in 123 should be multiplied by 7

so 7 is units digit of N

units digit of 123 * 7 = 861 6 need 4 to be 0 in 001 so the next number is 8 as 8*3 = 24

just swim in space :(

Moataz Mohamed - 7 years, 5 months ago
Rui-Xian Siew
Oct 15, 2013

Only 7 x 3 can get 1 as last digit. So N's last digit is 7. We get 7 x 123=861. To get 0 in 2nd last digit we must +4. The only way to get 4 as last digit is to multiply 3 by 8. now we get 10701. To get 0 as 3rd last digit we must +3. The only way is to multiply 3 by 1. Thus N is 187

Bhargav Das
Oct 14, 2013

Clearly, N N must end in 7 7 . Therefore, N N must be of the form ( 7 + x ) (7+x) , where x x is some positive number. 123 × N = 123 × ( 7 + x ) = 861 + 123 x 123 \times N=123 \times (7+x) = 861+123x . We observe, last three digits of 123 x 123x must be 140 140 to get the last 3 3 digits of N N as 001. 001. So, last 2 2 digits of x x must be 80 80 . 123 × 80 = 9840 123 \times 80=9840 ,which doesn't satisfy. So,when we try x = 180 x=180 ,which may the next possible number, we get last 3 3 digits as 140 140 , which we require.Therefore, N = 7 + 180 = 187. N=7+180=187.

Sorry , forgot to mention that x x must end in 0 0 in the 2 n d 2nd line.

Bhargav Das - 7 years, 8 months ago

nice one man!

Jun Das - 7 years, 7 months ago
Raghav Bakshi
Nov 5, 2013

See ..we go by the intuitive approach.. first step is to multiply with 7(as to get 1 in the last pos) then see which next number gives you a sum 0... continue till u get the last 3.. :)

David Kroell
Oct 17, 2013

Compile this code (Java) and look at the output. There are two methods you can use below, for those who are programmers and those who aren't.

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

    int x;
    int y;

    for (x=0;x<=999;x++){

        y = 123 * x;

       System.out.println(x + ".  -  " + y);



Copy the output put it in word and search for 001 or just insert a parse.int command and dissect 001 with the statement and insert a condition if the value of y contains 001 print the remaining, x.

If we want N * 123 ending with 1, then N has to be a number of the form 7 + 10x. So we have 123(7 + 10x) = 1230x + 861. Now, if we want 1230x + 861 ending with 01, then x has to be of the form 8 + 10k. So we get 1230(8 + 10k) + 861 = 12300k + 10701. If we want 12300k + 10701 ending with 001, then k has to be a number of the form 1 + 10r. But we are looking for the smaller value, so r = 0, k = 1, x = 18 and N = 7 + 10x = 187.

Sam Leo
Oct 14, 2013

We know that 3*(last digit of N) has last digit of 1. The only number from 0-9 that satisfies this condition is 7. Therefore we know that the unit digit of N = 1.

Let the number be xy7 123*7 = 861


        8 6 1

By the good old multiplication by hand method, last digit of (3 y+6) = 0 *(or (3 y+6)%10 = 0)* This implies that (3*y)%10 = 4, smallest y = 8. 6+24 = 30, bring over 3 to left side.

(3+8+2 y+3 x)%10 = 0 (3+8+16+3 x)%10 = 0 (27+3 x)%10 = 0 (3*x)%10 = 3 x = 1.

Thus, smallest N = 187

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