
Algebra Level 3
  1. e i π + 1 = 0. e^{iπ}+1=0.

  2. e i π = 1. e^{iπ}=-1.

  3. e i π = 1 1 . e^{-iπ}=-1^{-1}.

  4. e i π = 1 = e i π . e^{-iπ}=-1=e^{iπ}.

  5. i π = i π . -iπ=iπ.

  6. i = i . -i=i.

  7. 1 = 1 1=-1 .[dividing by -i]

In which line did I make mistake?

4 5 3 6

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3 solutions

Richard Desper
Oct 1, 2019

The mistake is when you use e i π = e i π e^{i\pi} = e^{-i\pi} to conclude i π = i π i\pi = -i\pi . The exponential function e z e^z is not a 1 1 1-1 function on the complex plane. One cannot conclude z 1 = z 2 z_1 = z_2 simply because e z 1 = e z 2 . e^{z_1} = e^{z_2}. (Indeed, the exponential function is periodic along the imaginary axis - a central fact of complex analysis.)

Max Patrick
Oct 1, 2019

The Euler equation (step 1 above) is proven with calculus by substituting Pi for x into the equation:

cos(x) + i.sin(x) = e^(i.x)

which is true for all real x.

Unfortunately, substituting -Pi gives e^(-i. Pi)=-1 which is step 4.

With no implication that i.Pi = - i.Pi

Once we have our dear friend Cos involved, we realise lots of different reals have the same cosine.

Fahim Muhtamim
Oct 1, 2019

x y = x z , h e r e y = z x^y=x^z,here y=z ,if &only if y&z are real number, y , z > 0 y,z>0 & x x is not equal to 1

Really? what about the equality 1 1 = 1 2 1^1=1^2 ?

Your solution is incomplete.

Vilakshan Gupta - 1 year, 8 months ago

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