1, 1 and 1

A = 111 111 Number of 1s = 81 A=\underbrace{111\dots111}_{\text{Number of 1s = 81}}

What is the remainder when A A is divided by 81?

9 36 0 54 27 18 72 45

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2 solutions

Let a = 111111111 # of 1s = 9 a = \underbrace{111 111 111}_{\text{\# of 1s = 9}} . Then A = a ( 1 + 1 0 9 + 1 0 18 + 1 0 27 + + 1 0 72 ) A=a(1+10^9+10^{18}+ 10^{27}+…+10^{72}) . Note that the sum of digit of a a is 9; a a is divisible by 9. And that the sum of digit of 1 + 1 0 9 + 1 0 18 + 1 0 27 + + 1 0 72 1+10^9+10^{18}+ 10^{27}+…+10^{72} is also 9 and it is divisible by 9. Therefore A A is divisible by 81 and the remainder is 0 \boxed{0} .

Since you know that the answer is 0, it's actually simpler to prove that 1 0 81 1 10^{81} -1 is divisible by 729 (which is equivalent to proving that A A is divisible by 729 / 9 = 81 729/9 = 81 ).

Just use binomial expansion:

1 0 81 1 = ( 9 + 1 ) 81 1 = 9 3 ( ) + ( last few terms ) 10^{81} - 1 = (9+ 1)^{81 } - 1 = 9^3 (\cdots) + (\text{last few terms})

What's left to do is to prove that the last few terms \text{last few terms} is divisible by 729 too.

Pi Han Goh - 3 years, 10 months ago
Ankit Dash
Aug 14, 2017

81 can be written as 3^4. So 'A' should be divisible by 3.Since there are all one's therefore sum of all digits =81 which is divisible by 3.Since 'A' satisfies the divisiblity criteria of 3,hence the remainder is 0

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