1, 2, 3, 4

Algebra Level 1

How many 1 24 \frac {1}{24} 's are there in 2 3 \frac {2}{3} ?

The answer is 16.

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12 solutions

Vina Obispo
Nov 6, 2013

Two third's divided by one over twenty four .. If we're dividing we used to reciprocal the divisor and change the operation into multiplication and it will be.. two third's times twenty four over one 2 * 24 = 48 3 * 1 = 3 48/3 = 16

Thanks for using words to explain what you are doing. It makes it easier to understand the solution, especially for someone who couldn't do it.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years, 7 months ago
Moises Noe Frias
Nov 5, 2013

2/3 * 24


John Dela Punta - 7 years, 7 months ago


Saubia Ansari
Mar 18, 2014

First of all make the denominator same of the two fractions,2/3*8/8=16/24. we have to add 16 times 1/24 to get 16/24. 1/24+1/24+1/24+1/4........1/24=16/24=2/3

Prasun Biswas
Dec 21, 2013

Let the no. of 1 24 \frac{1}{24} 's in 2 3 \frac{2}{3} be x.

Now, x × 1 24 = 2 3 x = 2 3 × 24 x = 16 x\times \frac{1}{24} = \frac{2}{3} \implies x=\frac{2}{3}\times 24 \implies x=\boxed{16}

Austin Yap
Nov 8, 2013

2/3=2 8/3 8 =16/24 then there are 16 1/24's

Dan Arenas
Nov 7, 2013

(1/24)x=(2/3)(8/8) ----> (1/24)x=16/24 ----> x=(16/24)/(1/24) -----> x=(16/24)24 -----> x=16

Vikram Salunkhe
Nov 7, 2013

Let x be the number of 1/24's in 2/3. Then x * 1/24=2/3. x=16.

2/3 divided by 1/24 = 16

Choi Ü
Nov 7, 2013

2/3 divided by 1/24 or 2/3 multiplied by 24/1 (reciprocal) therefore 2/3 * 24/1= 16

Jefferson Dacua
Nov 6, 2013

(2/3)/1/24 =(2/3)24 =16

2/3 divided by 1/24 = 16

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