-1 divisibilty problem

The Positive Integers A and B Which \textit{The Positive Integers A and B Which} A B \frac{A}{B} , A 1 B 1 \frac{A-1}{B-1} , A 2 B 2 \frac{A-2}{B-2} give an integer \textit{give an integer}

A B ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) {A}\neq{B} \neq{(1,2,3) }

For example : 9 3 \frac{9}{3} gives integer and \textit{gives integer and} 9 1 3 1 \frac{9-1}{3-1} also gives integer \textit{also gives integer} and this only 2 fractions \textit{and this only 2 fractions}

  • The Question Is \textbf{The Question Is} What is the smallest 2 integers which \textbf{What is the smallest 2 integers which} A B \frac{A}{B} , A 1 B 1 \frac{A-1}{B-1} , A 2 B 2 \frac{A-2}{B-2} (3 Fractions) gives integer? \textbf{gives integer?}

A B ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) {A}\neq{B} \neq{(1,2,3) }

  • The awnser is the Sum of A,B \textit{The awnser is the Sum of {A,B}}

The answer is 20.

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1 solution

Ahmed Pro
Jul 27, 2020

1 \boxed{1} X n 1 X m 1 \dfrac{X^{n}-1}{X^{m}-1} = = Integer, When n m \dfrac{n}{m} = = Integer

Also X n X m \dfrac{X^n} {X^m} = = X n m X^{n-m} = = an integer

  • So 2 X n 2 2 x m 2 \dfrac{2^{X^{n}}-2}{2^{x^{m}}-2} = = 2 × ( 2 X n 1 1 ) 2 × ( 2 x m 1 1 ) \dfrac{2×(2^{X^{n}-1}-1)}{2×(2^{x^{m}-1}-1)} = = 2 X n 1 1 2 x m 1 1 \dfrac{2^{X^{n}-1}-1}{2^{x^{m}-1}-1} \longrightarrow Because it is same to equation 1 \boxed{1}

  • So we can apply the same rule which 2 X n 2 2 x m 2 \dfrac{2^{X^{n}}-2}{2^{x^{m}}-2} = = 2 X n 1 1 2 x m 1 1 \dfrac{2^{X^{n}-1}-1}{2^{x^{m}-1}-1} = = An integer When X n 1 X m 1 \dfrac{X^n-1}{X^m-1} = = Integer

Now we know that { 2 X n 2 2 x m 2 \dfrac{2^{X^{n}}-2}{2^{x^{m}}-2} , 2 X n 1 2 x m 1 \dfrac{2^{X^{n}}-1}{2^{x^{m}}-1} , 2 X n 2 x m \dfrac{2^{X^{n}}}{2^{x^{m}}} } = = integer when { x n x m \dfrac{x^n}{x^m} , x n 1 x m 1 \dfrac{x^n-1}{x^m-1} } = = integer

  • { x n x m \dfrac{x^n}{x^m} , x n 1 x m 1 \dfrac{x^n-1}{x^m-1} } = = integer when n m \dfrac{n} {m} = = integer

\implies So { 2 X n 2 2 x m 2 \dfrac{2^{X^{n}}-2}{2^{x^{m}}-2} , 2 X n 1 2 x m 1 \dfrac{2^{X^{n}}-1}{2^{x^{m}}-1} , 2 X n 2 x m \dfrac{2^{X^{n}}}{2^{x^{m}}} } = = integer, when n m \dfrac{n} {m} = = integer

  • So \textbf{So} { 2 X n , 2 X m 2^{X^n} , 2^{X^m} } =(A,B) When n m \dfrac{n} {m} =integer

Let X be the smallest integer we can choose

When X=1, The 2 numbers will be = 2 and A \neq B

So X = 2 \boxed{X=2}

And n \neq m because A \neq B So the smallest possible 2 integers which not equal and when dividing them they gives an integer is (2,1)

So ( n , m ) = ( 2 , 1 ) \boxed{ (n, m) =(2, 1)}

And by putting X, n, m in their places

(A, B) = ( 2 X n , 2 X m 2^{X^n} , 2^{X^m} ) = ( 2 2 2 , 2 2 1 2^{2^2} , 2^{2^1} ) = (16,4)

( A , B ) = ( 4 , 16 ) \boxed{(A, B) =(4, 16)}

  • And by sum A and B = 20

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