1 to the infinity?

Calculus Level 5

lim x 0 ( x ! ) 1 x = ? \large \lim _{ x\to 0}(x!)^{ \frac 1x }=?

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The answer is 0.561.

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2 solutions

Naren Bhandari
Jun 15, 2019

lim x 0 x ! x = exp ( lim x 0 log e x ! x ) = exp ( lim x 0 log e Γ ( x + 1 ) x ) \lim_{x\to 0}\sqrt[x]{x!} =\exp\left(\lim_{x\to 0}\dfrac{\log_e x!}{x}\right)=\exp\left(\lim_{x\to 0} \dfrac{ \log_e\Gamma (x+1)}{x} \right) we apply L-hopital's rule to get exp ( lim x 0 Γ ( x + 1 ) ψ ( x + 1 ) Γ ( x + 1 ) ) = e ψ ( 1 ) = e γ 0.561 \exp\left(\lim_{x\to 0} \dfrac{\Gamma(x+1)\cdot \psi(x+1)}{\Gamma(x+1)}\right) =e^{\psi(1)}=e^{-\gamma} \approx 0.561

From the series representation of the Digamma function we have ψ ( s + 1 ) = γ + n = 1 ( 1 n 1 n + s ) \psi(s+1)=-\gamma +\sum_{n=1}^{\infty}\left(\dfrac{1}{n}-\dfrac{1}{n+s}\right) setting s = 0 s=0 we have ψ ( 1 ) = γ \psi(1)= -\gamma

Exactly the same approach!!!

Aaghaz Mahajan - 1 year, 12 months ago
Chew-Seong Cheong
Jun 16, 2019

L = lim x 0 ( x ! ) 1 x A 1 case, lim x a f ( x ) h ( x ) = e lim x a h ( x ) ( f ( x ) 1 ) = exp ( lim x 0 x ! 1 x ) A 0 / 0 case, L’H o ˆ pital’s rule applies = exp ( lim x 0 Γ ( x + 1 ) 1 x ) Γ ( ) denotes the gamma function = exp ( lim x 0 Γ ( x + 1 ) ψ ( x + 1 ) 1 ) Differentiate up and down w.r.t. x = exp ( 0 ! ψ ( 1 ) ) Digamma function ψ ( 1 ) = γ , where = e γ Euler-Mascheroni constant γ 0.5772 0.561 \begin{aligned} L & = \lim_{x \to 0} (x!)^{\frac 1x} & \small \color{#3D99F6} \text{A }1^\infty \text{ case, }\implies \lim_{x \to a} f(x)^{h(x)} = e^{\lim_{x \to a} h(x)(f(x)-1)} \\ & = \exp \left(\lim_{x \to 0} \frac {x! - 1}x \right) & \small \color{#3D99F6} \text{A } 0/0 \text{ case, L'Hôpital's rule applies} \\ & = \exp \left(\lim_{x \to 0} \frac {{\color{#3D99F6}\Gamma(x+1)} - 1}x \right) & \small \color{#3D99F6} \Gamma (\cdot) \text{ denotes the gamma function} \\ & = \exp \left(\lim_{x \to 0} \frac {\Gamma (x+1)\psi (x+1)}1 \right) & \small \color{#3D99F6} \text{Differentiate up and down w.r.t. }x \\ & = \exp (0! \psi (1)) & \small \color{#3D99F6} \text{Digamma function }\psi (1) = - \gamma \text{, where } \\ & = e^{-\gamma} & \small \color{#3D99F6} \text{Euler-Mascheroni constant }\gamma \approx 0.5772 \\ & \approx \boxed{0.561} \end{aligned}


Very nice use of the identity in the first blue line. Thank you.

Pi Han Goh - 1 year, 11 months ago

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