1 Trillion Followers Problem

Geometry Level 5

{ sin ( 2 x ) + sin ( 2 y ) = 1 / 3 cos ( 2 x ) + cos ( 2 y ) = 5 / 7 \large \begin{cases}{\sin(2x) + \sin(2y) = 1/3} \\ {\cos(2x) + \cos(2y) = 5/7}\end{cases}

Given x , y x,y satisfy the system of equations above, and denote the value of tan ( x ) + tan ( y ) \tan(x) + \tan(y) as a b \frac ab for coprime positive integers a , b a,b .

Find the value of a + b a+b .

Bonus : For the general system of equations below, state tan ( x ) + tan ( y ) \tan(x) + \tan(y) in terms of A A and B B .

{ sin ( 2 x ) + sin ( 2 y ) = A cos ( 2 x ) + cos ( 2 y ) = B \large \begin{cases}{\sin(2x) + \sin(2y) = A} \\ {\cos(2x) + \cos(2y) = B}\end{cases}

The answer is 373.

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4 solutions

汶良 林
May 19, 2015

Haha nice short cut, makes mine looks horrendous! +1

Pi Han Goh - 6 years ago

Best approach. This is the most correct way I think.

Lu Chee Ket - 5 years, 7 months ago

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Every solution posted here is correct. There is no "most correct way".

Pi Han Goh - 5 years, 7 months ago
Pi Han Goh
May 17, 2015

I'm going straight for the generalization.

tan x + tan y = sin x cos x + sin y cos y = sin x cos y + cos x sin y cos x cos y = 2 sin ( x + y ) 2 cos x cos y = 2 sin ( x + y ) cos ( x + y ) + cos ( x y ) \begin{aligned} \tan x + \tan y &=&\frac{\sin x }{\cos x} + \frac{ \sin y}{\cos y} \\ & = & \frac { \sin x \cos y + \cos x \sin y}{\cos x \cos y} \\ & = & \frac{2 \sin(x+y)}{2\cos x \cos y} \\ & = & \color{#3D99F6}{\frac{2 \sin(x+y)}{\cos(x+y) + \cos(x-y)} }\\ \end{aligned}

From the first equation:

sin ( 2 x ) + sin ( 2 y ) = A 2 sin ( x + y ) cos ( x y ) = A sin ( x + y ) = A 2 sec ( x y ) \begin{aligned} \sin(2x) + \sin(2y) & = & A \\ 2 \sin(x+ y) \cos(x-y) & = & A \\ \color{#20A900}{ \sin(x+ y)} & = & \color{#20A900}{\frac A2 \sec(x-y)} \\ \end{aligned}

From the second equation:

cos ( 2 x ) + cos ( 2 y ) = B 2 cos ( x + y ) cos ( x y ) = B cos ( x + y ) = B 2 sec ( x y ) \begin{aligned} \cos(2x) + \cos(2y) & = & B \\ 2 \cos(x+ y) \cos(x-y) & = & B \\ \color{#69047E}{ \cos(x+ y)} & = & \color{#69047E}{\frac B2 \sec(x-y)} \\ \end{aligned}

G R E E N 2 + P U R P L E 2 \color{#20A900}{GREEN} ^2 + \color{#69047E}{PURPLE} ^2 :

sin 2 ( x + y ) + cos 2 ( x + y ) = ( A 2 4 + B 2 4 ) sec 2 ( x y ) 1 = 1 4 ( A 2 + B 2 ) sec 2 ( x y ) cos ( x y ) = ± A 2 + B 2 2 \begin{aligned} \sin^2(x+ y) + \cos^2(x+y) &=& \left ( \frac {A^2}{4} + \frac {B^2}{4} \right) \sec^2 (x-y) \\ 1 &=& \frac 14 (A^2+B^2) \sec^2 (x-y) \\ \cos(x-y) &=& \pm \frac{\sqrt{A^2+B^2}}{2} \\ \end{aligned}

Solve for G R E E N \color{#20A900}{GREEN} and P U R P L E \color{#69047E}{PURPLE} gives

sin ( x + y ) = ± A A 2 + B 2 \sin(x+y) = \pm \frac A{\sqrt{A^2+B^2}} and cos ( x + y ) = ± B A 2 + B 2 \cos(x+y) = \pm \frac B{\sqrt{A^2+B^2}}

When taking their ratios as in B L U E \color{#3D99F6}{BLUE} , the signs "match up" and cancel out.

tan x + tan y = 2 A A 2 + B 2 B A 2 + B 2 + A 2 + B 2 2 = 4 A 2 B + A 2 + B 2 \large \tan x + \tan y = \frac{2 \cdot \frac A{\sqrt{A^2+B^2}} } { \frac B{\sqrt{A^2+B^2}} + \frac{\sqrt{A^2+B^2}}2 } = \frac{4A}{2B + A^2+B^2} \\

In this case, A = 1 3 , B = 5 7 tan x + tan y = 147 226 A = \frac 13, B = \frac57 \Rightarrow \tan x + \tan y = \frac{147}{226} .

Solved it twice, first using @Abhishek Sharma 's method and then same as yours! Nice problem.

A Former Brilliant Member - 5 years, 5 months ago

1 Trillion Followers Problem \huge \text{1 Trillion Followers Problem}

You are quite ambitious . Well , all the best for achieving that target . I know that this is the preview question by you , so I'll be waiting for the real deal .

\huge \text{\(^o^)/}

Otto Bretscher
May 17, 2015

We can interpret the given equations as the addition of unit vectors, ( cos 2 x , sin 2 x ) + ( cos 2 y , sin 2 y ) = ( 5 7 , 1 3 ) (\cos{2x},\sin{2x})+(\cos{2y},\sin{2y})=\left(\frac{5}{7},\frac{1}{3}\right) . See the attached figure, where r = A 2 + B 2 r=\sqrt{A^2+B^2}

We can find the points ( cos 2 x , sin 2 x ) (\cos{2x},\sin{2x}) and ( cos 2 y , sin 2 y ) (\cos{2y},\sin{2y}) as the two points of intersection of the unit circles centered at the origin and at the point ( A , B ) (A,B) . These points turn out to be 1 2 ( A , B ) ± 1 r 2 / 4 r ( B , A ) \frac{1}{2}(A,B)\pm\frac{\sqrt{1-r^2/4}}{r}(B,-A) ; this result should make good sense in terms of our figure. Now tan x + tan y = 1 cos 2 x sin 2 x + 1 cos 2 y sin 2 y \tan{x}+\tan{y}=\frac{1-\cos{2x}}{\sin{2x}}+\frac{1-\cos{2y}}{\sin{2y}} ...

Here is an ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION, more in line with the two others, but from a vectorial point of view (or just think in terms of polar coordinates!), supported by the attached figure. Let r = A 2 + B 2 r=\sqrt{A^2+B^2} , and note that the polar angle of the point ( A , B ) (A,B) is x + y x+y (we may have to change the angle x x by π \pi , which will not affect the problem). Now cos ( x + y ) = B r , sin ( x + y ) = A r , cos ( y x ) = r 2 , \cos(x+y)=\frac{B}{r},\quad\sin(x+y)=\frac{A}{r},\quad\cos(y-x)=\frac{r}{2}, tan x + tan y = 2 sin ( x + y ) cos ( x + y ) + cos ( y x ) = 2 A / r B / r + r / 2 \tan{x}+\tan{y}=\frac{2\sin(x+y)}{\cos(x+y)+\cos(y-x)}=\frac{2A/r}{B/r+r/2} = 4 A 2 B + r 2 = 4 A 2 B + A 2 + B 2 = 147 226 =\frac{4A}{2B+r^2}=\frac{4A}{2B+A^2+B^2}=\boxed{\frac{147}{226}}

Wow love your alternative solution! Typo on the fraction though. +1

I couldn't really completely grasp what you're trying to say for the first part, will need time to digest it.

Pi Han Goh - 6 years ago

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Conceptually, my first solution is very simple... but the devil is in the detail, the computation. The points ( cos 2 x , sin 2 x ) (\cos{2x},\sin{2x}) and ( cos 2 y , sin 2 y ) (\cos{2y},\sin{2y}) have a distance of 1 from the origin as well as from the point ( A , B ) (A,B) , so, they are the points of intersections of those two circles I defined. Problem is, the coordinates come out messy, involving 102065 \sqrt{102065} .

I didn't catch the typo... sorry...it's late.

Otto Bretscher - 6 years ago
Abhishek Sharma
May 17, 2015

sin 2 x + sin 2 y = A \sin {2x} + \sin{2y}=A 2 sin ( x + y ) sin ( x y ) = A 1 2\sin{\left( x+y \right) }\sin{\left( x-y \right)=A \quad \dots 1} cos 2 x + cos 2 y = B \cos {2x} + \cos{2y}=B 2 cos ( x + y ) cos ( x y ) = B 2 2\cos{\left( x+y \right) }\cos{\left( x-y \right) }=B \quad \dots 2 Dividing equation 1 1 by equation 2 2 . tan ( x + y ) = A B 3 \tan{\left( x+y \right)=\frac{A}{B}} \dots 3 tan ( x + y ) = tan x + tan y 1 tan x tan y \tan{\left( x+y \right)}=\frac{\tan{x}+\tan{y}}{1-\tan{x} \tan{y}} tan x + tan y = tan ( x + y ) ( 1 tan x tan y ) 4 \tan{x}+\tan{y}=\tan{\left( x+y \right)}\left(1-\tan{x} \tan{y}\right) \quad \dots 4 tan x tan y = sin x sin y cos x cos y \tan{x} \tan{y}=\frac{\sin{x}\sin{y}}{\cos{x}\cos{y}} = 2 sin x sin y 2 cos x cos y =\frac{2\sin{x}\sin{y}}{2\cos{x}\cos{y}} = cos ( x y ) cos ( x + y ) cos ( x + y ) cos ( x y ) 5 =\frac{\cos{\left( x-y \right) }-\cos{\left( x+y \right) }}{\cos{\left( x+y \right) }-\cos{\left( x-y \right) }} \quad \dots 5 Squaring and adding 1 1 and 2 2 , 4 cos 2 ( x y ) = A 2 + B 2 4\cos ^{ 2 }{ \left( x-y \right) ={ A }^{ 2 }+{ B }^{ 2 } } cos ( x y ) = A 2 + B 2 2 6 \cos { \left( x-y \right) } =\quad \frac { \sqrt { { A }^{ 2 }+{ B }^{ 2 } } }{ 2 } \quad \dots 6 Using equation 2 2 we have, cos ( x + y ) = B A 2 + B 2 7 \cos { \left( x+y \right) } =\quad \frac { B }{ \sqrt { { A }^{ 2 }+{ B }^{ 2 } } } \quad \dots 7 Using equation 6 6 and 7 7 in equation 5 5 we get, tan x tan y = A 2 + B 2 2 B A 2 + B 2 + 2 B 8 \tan { x } \tan { y } =\frac { { A }^{ 2 }+{ B }^{ 2 }-2B }{ { A }^{ 2 }+{ B }^{ 2 }+2B } \quad \dots 8 Using equation 3 3 and 8 8 in 4 4 , tan x + tan y = 4 A A 2 + B 2 + 2 B \tan{x}+\tan{y}=\frac { 4A }{ { A }^{ 2 }+{ B }^{ 2 }+2B }

147 226 \large \boxed{\frac{147}{226}}

Wow slightly different from mine! +1

Pi Han Goh - 6 years ago

exactly what i did(+1).

Aareyan Manzoor - 5 years, 5 months ago

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