10 Unique Interconnection Digit Numbers

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Let K be a 10 digit number with some unique conditions :
-The 1st digit of K is the total number of digit "0" in K.
-The 2nd digit of K is the total number of digit "1" in K.
-The 3rd digit of K is the total number of digit "2" in K.
- 4th..
- 5th..
- 6th..
- 7th..
- 8th..
- 9th..
-The 10th(last) digit of K is the total number of digit "9" in K.
What is the maximum number of K?

The answer is 6210001000.

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2 solutions

Krisna Attayendra
Mar 20, 2014

The solution is simple, what is hard was just trying to write a digit whilst total number of digit adding too.. but i think everyone would to figure it out fastly and fyi it only have 1 SOLUTION for K and there will be no maximum or minimum of K (tricky sentense case lol). and the only result of K is 6210001000

kata-katanya emang bikin bingung kak... salah deh - _ -

Loexx Manncch - 6 years, 5 months ago

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itu udah cukup jelas aslinya hehe sori deh, silahkan coba 2 problem yg lain :D

Krisna Attayendra - 6 years, 5 months ago
Ali Shafik
Mar 22, 2014

The answer is simple, however, the wording is what made this question difficult, this is a self describing number on the base of 10. The question asked for the largest number that can be obtained, therefore, you need to calculate the largest self describing number on the bas of 10. So the base numbers are ( 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 & 9). There are 6 zeros so at the place of zero you put a 6 and at the place of 6 you add a one, this give the number 6000001000, however there is a one, so you place a one in the position one and you get the number 6100001000. Now you have two one, therefore you need to place a two in the place of the ones, and if you realize the number of zeros still don't add to 6, you get the number 6200001000, and then you add a one in the position of two because you have one two, you finally get the solution to the largest self describing number 6210001000.

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