100 Days Streak problem!

Geometry Level 4

Consider Δ A B C \Delta ABC such that A B = A C = 10 AB=AC=10 . Plot 100 100 distinct points on the side B C BC .Define a i = A P i 2 + P i B . P i C a_i =AP_i^2+P_iB . P_iC , then find the value of

i = 1 100 a i \Large \sum_{i=1}^{100} a_i

The answer is 10000.

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4 solutions

Nihar Mahajan
May 6, 2015

Construction : A D B C AD \perp BC at D D .

Since the triangle is isosceles , B D = D C = x BD = DC=x .Let D P i = x i DP_i=x_i .

a i = A P i 2 + P i B . P i C a i = A P i 2 + ( x x i ) ( x + x i ) a i = A P i 2 x i 2 + x 2 a i = A D 2 + x 2 (Pythagoras Theorem for 1 i 100 ) a i = A B 2 = ( 10 ) 2 = 100 i = 1 100 a i = 10000 a_i =AP_i^2+P_iB . P_iC \\ \Rightarrow a_i =AP_i^2+(x-x_i)(x+x_i) \\ \Rightarrow a_i =AP_i^2-x_i^2+x^2 \\ \Rightarrow a_i =AD^2+x^2 \dots \text{(Pythagoras Theorem for}1\leq i \leq 100) \\ \Rightarrow a_i = AB^2 = (10)^2 = 100 \\ \Rightarrow\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{100} a_i = \Large\boxed{10000}

Figel Ilham
May 7, 2015

Using Stewart's Theorem, we get: P i C 1 0 2 + P i B 1 0 2 = B C ( A P i + P i B . P i C ) P_{i}C 10^2 + P_{i}B 10^2 = BC(AP_{i} + P_{i}B . P_{i}C) 100 ( P i B + P i C ) = B C ( A P i + P i B . P i C ) 100(P_{i}B +P_{i}C) = BC(AP_{i} + P_{i}B . P_{i}C)

since ( A P i + P i B . P i C ) = a i (AP_{i} + P_{i}B . P_{i}C) = a_i , then 100 ( P i B + P i C ) = B C . a i 100(P_{i}B +P_{i}C) = BC . a_{i} Consider that P i B + P i C = B C P_{i} B + P_{i}C = BC , then 100 ( P i B + P i C ) = B C . a i 100(P_{i}B +P_{i}C) = BC . a_{i} 100 B C = B C . a i 100BC=BC . a_{i}

B C 0 BC \neq 0 , then it can be crossed out. Thus, we have a i = 100 a_i =100 for any integers of i i

The value of i = 1 100 a i \sum_{i=1}^{100} a_i is i = 1 100 100 = 100 100 = 10000 \sum_{i=1}^{100} 100 = 100*100=10000

Ravi Kumar
May 8, 2015

Since there are no restrictions in the question, let us consider all the 100 points at B and infinitesimally close to B. In this case P i B P_i B can be considered as an infinitesimally small value, rounded off to 0. i = 1 100 a i = i = 1 100 ( A P i 2 + P i B . P i C ) \sum_{i=1}^{100} a_i\ = \sum_{i=1}^{100}(AP_i^2 +P_iB.P_iC) Since the points are at B, A P i = A B = 10 AP_i=AB=10 i = 1 100 a i = i = 1 100 A B 2 \sum_{i=1}^{100} a_i\ = \sum_{i=1}^{100}AB^2 = i = 1 100 100 = \sum_{i=1}^{100}100 100000 \boxed{100000}

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