100 Degree Function

Suppose f ( x ) f(x) is a polynomial with integer coefficients of degree 100 100 . Find the biggest possible number of pairs of integers n < m n<m , such that f ( n ) = m f(n)=m and f ( m ) = n f(m)=n .

Details and assumptions

You are asked to find the biggest possible number of pairs, not the biggest pair. Hence, your answer is just an integer, not a pair of integers.

The answer is 50.

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5 solutions

Lawrence Sun
May 20, 2014

[Note: I believe that P P should be f f . - Calvin]

We utilize the useful lemma that ( a b ) ( P ( a ) P ( b ) ) (a-b)|(P(a) - P(b)) for all integers a , b a,b . The proof is trivial and will be skipped. Let deg P = n \deg P = n . Suppose P ( P ( a ) ) = a P(P(a)) = a and P ( a ) = b P(a) = b , P ( P ( c ) ) = c P(P(c))=c and P ( c ) = d P(c)=d . Then ( a c ) ( b d ) (a-c)|(b-d) and ( b d ) ( a c ) a c = ± ( b d ) (b-d)|(a-c) \implies a-c = \pm (b-d) . One also knows ( a d ) ( b c ) (a-d)|(b-c) and ( b c ) ( a d ) (b-c)|(a-d) , which implies that a d = ± ( b c ) a-d = \pm(b-c) . By doing a little casework on the signs of the ± \pm and utilizing a b a \neq b , one quickly deduces a + b = c + d a+b = c+d . [Note: This is the main equation, that n + m n+m is a constant. - Calvin]

Now let a a be a solution to P ( P ( a ) ) = a P(P(a)) = a . Then any z z such that P ( P ( z ) ) = z P(P(z)) = z is a root of x + P ( x ) a P ( a ) x + P(x) - a - P(a) , which has at most n n roots so P ( P ( n ) ) = n P(P(n)) = n has at most 100 100 solutions when deg P = 100 \deg P = 100 . When we enforce n < m n < m for P ( n ) = m P(n) = m and P ( m ) = n P(m) = n there are at most 50 50 solutions then.

Choose f ( x ) = 100 x + i = 0 99 ( x i ) f(x) = 100 - x + \prod_{i=0}^{99} (x-i) . Note that for 0 i 100 0 \le i \le 100 we have f ( i ) = 100 i , f ( 100 i ) = i f(i) = 100 - i, f(100 - i) = i . Clearly this is an integer polynomial and satisfies the problems conditions to yield 50 50 pairs (namely, ( i , 100 i ) (i, 100-i) for all 0 i 49 0 \le i \le 49 ). As we previously proved there are at most 50 50 solutions, it follows 50 50 is the maximum number of pairs as we showed it was obtainable and thus we are done. [Note: There are of course many such polynomials. The one I prefer is f ( x ) = x + i = 1 50 ( x 2 i 2 ) f(x) = -x + \prod_{i=1}^{50} (x^2-i^2) . - Calvin]

This was the only correct solution.

Common mistakes

  1. f ( f ( n ) ) f (f(n)) has degree 10 0 2 100^2 , not 200 200 , nor 100, nor 50.

  2. Knowing that the slope is 1 -1 between 2 point doesn't really tell you much. If you consider lines of the form y + x = k y +x = k , then there can be many (up to 100) solutions for each value of k k .

  3. Having more equations than unknowns does not imply that system is unsolvable.

  4. The polynomial f ( x ) = x f(x) = -x satisfies the condition for infinitely many pairs ( n , n ) (n, -n) .

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago
Calvin Lin Staff
May 13, 2014

Recall that for all integers a a and b b the number a b a-b divides f ( a ) f ( b ) f(a)-f(b) . Suppose the pairs are ( n 1 , m 1 ) , ( n 2 , m 2 ) , . . . , ( n k , m t ) (n_1,m_1), (n_2,m_2),...,(n_k,m_t) . Then n i n j n_i-n_j divides m i m j m_i-m_j for all i j i\neq j and vice versa, thus n i n j = ± ( m i m j ) n_i-n_j=\pm(m_i-m_j) . For any three distinct i , j , k i,j,k , we have 0 = ( n i n j ) + ( n j n k ) + ( n k n i ) = ± ( m i m j ) ± ( m j m k ) ± ( m k m i ) 0=(n_i-n_j)+(n_j-n_k)+(n_k-n_i)=\pm(m_i-m_j)\pm(m_j-m_k)\pm(m_k-m_i) It is easy to see that this is only possible if either all signs on the right are pluses or all signs are minuses. Doing this for all possible triples of indices (under the assumption that we have more than two pairs) we get that either for all i j i\neq j we have n i n j = m i m j n_i-n_j=m_i-m_j or for all i j i\neq j we have n i n j = m j m i . n_i-n_j=m_j-m_i.

In the first case, we get m i n i = m j n j m_i-n_i=m_j-n_j for all i i and j j . Suppose m i = n i + c m_i=n_i+c for all i i . Take any i j i\neq j and note that n i m j n_i-m_j must divide m i n j m_i-n_j and vice versa. So n i m j = ± ( m i n j ) n_i-m_j=\pm(m_i-n_j) . If the sign is plus, then we get c = 0 c=0 , which is impossible. If the sign is minus, then we get n i = n j n_i=n_j , which is also impossible.

In the second case, n i + m i n_i+m_i is the same for all i i . Thus the polynomial f ( x ) + x f(x)+x takes the same values at n 1 , n 2 , . . . , n t ; m 1 , m 2 , . . . , m t n_1,n_2,...,n_t; m_1,m_2,...,m_t . Because deg ( f ( x ) + x ) = 100 , \deg (f(x)+x)=100, this implies that 2 t 100 , 2t\leq 100, so t 50 t\leq 50 .

To show that 50 50 is possible, consider f ( x ) = 1 x i = 49 50 ( x i ) f(x)=1-x-\prod \limits_{i=-49}^{50} (x-i) Note that for all n = 49 , 48 , . . . , 0 n=-49,-48,...,0 we have f ( n ) = 1 n f(n)=1-n and f ( 1 n ) = n . f(1-n)=n.

Therefore the answer is 50 50 .

Kee Aun Ooi
May 20, 2014

Let f(x)= a {0}x^100+a {1}x^99+...+a {100} (1)_ For any non-constant polynomial,there is not exist a function that f[f(x)]=x for all x is a real number. Hence, the some number of x will be the solutions. By substituting the (n {1},m {1}) until (n {50},m {50}) into (1) , we can form 100 equation by using f(n)=m and f(m)=n . When (n {51},m {51}) , we can form 102 equation. It will be a contradiction for non-constant polynomial because a {0}-a {100} just have 101 unknown only.Therefore,the number of pairs (n,m) have maximum of 50 .

Nicky Indradi
May 20, 2014

from the fact that f(n) = m and f(m) = n, we can deduce that (f(n)-f(m))/(n-m) = -1, which means, if we connect the points (n,f(n)) and (m,f(m)), we will end up with a straight line of gradient -1. hence we can try to find the maximum number of intersections between the line y = -x and the graph of y = f(x). we can easily deduce that the maximum number of intersections is 100, which implies there's a maximum of 50 pairs. then we can construct the function that satisfies this property, and conclude that 50 is the answer.

Michael Ma
May 20, 2014

For each pair (m,n) that satisfies the conditions of the problem we have that f(f(n))=f(m)=n. Similarly f(f(m))=m. Also, if f(f(n))=n then n can be in a pair, namely (n,f(n)) or (f(n),n), whiever satisfies the conditions of the question. Now since f(f(n))-n cannot be the zero polynomial, it must be a polynomial of degree 200 with integer coefficients. Therefore these n are eligible to be in a pair. But, the question says that n<m, so n cannot equal f(n). So since f(n)-n cannot be the zero polynomial, it must be a polynomial of degree 100 with integer coefficients. Therefore there are only 100 integers that are eligible to be in pairs. Since each pair contains two numbers and each number can only be in one pair there are at most 50 pairs that satisfy the conditions of the question.

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