100 each

A Rich Man once decided to hold a party at his place. He invited 100 guests and arranged for 100 plates of food. The guests were of three social groups: A, B and C.
The members of group A said that they will eat 2 plates each,
The members of group B said that they will eat 4 plates each.
Seeing that the rich man was getting worried, the members of Group C volunteered to eat 4 persons to a plate, thereby solving the man's problem.

Now, no plates were left and all the guests had eaten food.
How many members of each group were there?

Enter the answer as 0 0 if you think no answer is possible.
Enter the answer as a b c a*b*c if there is a unique answer.
Enter the answer as the difference between the highest and lowest values of a b c a*b*c if there are more than 1 1 answers.

Details and assumptions :

  • There is at least 1 member of each group.

  • Each plate in case of group C must be used by exactly 4 members i.e. you cannot have only 2 members eating from the last plate.

  • a , b , c a,b,c refer to number of members of A,B and C present at the party.

The answer is 2520.

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2 solutions

Yatin Khanna
May 31, 2016

First of all, Note that the number of plates left for group C is an even number and hence can be representated as 2 k 2k for some 'k'.
Now, 1 4 c = 2 k \frac{1}{4}c = 2k ;
==> c = 8 k c = 8k .
So, number of people of group C is a multiple of 8.
Now, note that for c 80 c\geq 80 , we have average number of plates left 4 \geq 4 that is either all remaining members are of group B or else, its impossible. We dont want either case since, we must have at least 1 member of each group.

Now, for c 56 c\leq 56 , we have average number of plates left < 2 <2 and hence the required number is
> 56 ; < 80 >56 ; <80 and a multiple of 8.
There remain just 2 options:

c = 64 c = 64
We have;
a + b = 36 a+b = 36
2 a + 4 b = 84 2a + 4b = 84
Solving we get; a = 30 ; b = 6 a=30; b=6

c = 72 c = 72
We have;
a + b = 28 a+b = 28
2 a + 4 b = 82 2a + 4b = 82
Solving, we get; a = 15 ; b = 13 a=15 ; b=13

Hence the answer is :
( 72 15 13 ) ( 64 30 6 ) = 14040 11520 = 2520 (72*15*13)-(64*30*6) = 14040 - 11520 = \boxed{2520}

This question could be worded a little better, since the statement about group c suggests that 4 and only 4 members of their group would be expected to eat from one plate, leaving 3 to be shared amongst groups a and b. Even if there was only 1 member in a and 1 in b, there would not be enough plates to go around. Saying something like "the members of group c volunteered to eat 4 to a plate" might be a better way of stating the real problem at hand.

Lance Winston - 5 years ago

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I knew that the statememt was sounding a bit absurd but could not make up something better, I will edit the problem right now.
Thank you.

Yatin Khanna - 5 years ago

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You're welcome!

Lance Winston - 5 years ago

You know what, we thought alike!!

Aakash Khandelwal - 5 years ago

The wording was confusing on how to write the answer. Though I was able to solve it, I didn't know how to write the answer properly. However, great problem overall.

Ellie Northrop - 5 years ago

Same Way! (+1)

Samara Simha Reddy - 4 years, 12 months ago

100 plates between 100 guests..... Some will eat 2, some 4, and some plates will be eaten by 4 people

That doesn't add up to me 🤔

How can it possibly be 2520?

Ollie Deacon - 5 years ago

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Surely the answer is; Group A - 30 people eating 60 plates Group B - 6 people eating 24 plates Group C - 64 people eating 16 ?

Ollie Deacon - 5 years ago

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Surely, that is the answer.
But, apart from 30-6-64 distribution, there is a possibility of 15-13-72 distribution too, and if you read the question carefully, the answer demands the difference between the highest and lowest values of the products of the numbers of members of the three groups which is 72 13 15 - 30 6 64 = 2520.
Now you see, there is no talk about 2520 guests.

Yatin Khanna - 5 years ago

Isn't a = 47 a = 47 b = 1 b = 1 c = 8 c = 8 another possible (and lower) answer?

I mean ( 47 1 8 ) = 376 (47*1*8)=376 which is lower than ( 64 30 6 ) = 11520 (64*30*6) = 11520

Francisco Rodríguez - 5 years ago

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It mentioned in the question that there were 100 people attending the party, so a +b +c = 100

Reece Gately - 5 years ago
Patrick Chatain
Jun 24, 2016

We have a + b + c = 100 a+b+c=100 (1)

And 2 a + 4 b + c 4 = 100 2a+4b+\frac{c}{4}=100 (2)

Multiplying (2) by 4 we get 8 a + 16 b + c = 400 8a+16b+c=400 (3)

Subtracting (1) from (3) we get 7 a + 15 b = 300 7a+15b=300 (4)

Now as 300 and 15 b 15b are both multiples of 15 so must be 7 a 7a and thus a a must be a multiple of 15

However if a 45 a\geq45 then b b ends up negative so we have either a = 15 a=15 or a = 30 a=30 which from (4) give b = 13 b=13 or b = 6 b=6 respectively which from (1) give c = 72 c=72 or c = 64 c=64 respectively.

So a b c = 15 × 13 × 72 = 14040 abc=15\times13\times72=14040 or a b c = 30 × 6 × 64 = 11520 abc=30\times6\times64=11520 whose difference is 2520 \fbox{2520}

Great!! Again ALMOST same as my solution, I bounded variable c, you did that to a. (+1) :)

Yatin Khanna - 4 years, 11 months ago

Btw, can we do the same to variable B too?

Yatin Khanna - 4 years, 11 months ago

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Yeah from equation (4) we can bound it using modular arithmetic mod 7

Patrick Chatain - 4 years, 11 months ago

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