
Count the number of 0 digits without stop in 10000 ! 10000!

The answer is 2499.

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1 solution

Caleb Townsend
Apr 8, 2015

Each pair of a 5 5 and 2 2 that gets factored in is equivalent to factoring a 10 , 10, or adding a trailing zero. But there are always more than enough 2 2 s, so the number of 5 5 s is all we need to consider. So divide 10000 10000 by 5. 5. It is still not enough, because that doesn't count cases like 25 , 25, 50 , 50, and 125 125 as many times as their power of 5. 5. The formula is Z T ( n ! ) = k = 1 log 5 n n 5 k Z_T(n!) = \sum_{k=1}^{\lfloor \log_5 n\rfloor} \lfloor\frac{n}{5^k}\rfloor In this case n = 10000 n=10000 so the sum is 2499 . \boxed{2499}. This formula only counts trailing zeros.

Nice answer. I didn't thought of using logarithms or sums

Abyoso Hapsoro - 6 years, 2 months ago

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