10^N Less Than N^10

Algebra Level 2

How many positive integers n n are there such that 1 0 n n 10 10^n \leq n^{10} ?

The answer is 9.

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17 solutions

Lars McGee
May 20, 2014

The answer is 9, for values 2 , 3 , . . . , 10 2,3,..., 10 . Note that that 1 0 n > n 10 10^n > n^{10} for n = 1 , 11 n = 1, 11 and 1 0 n n 10 10^n \geq n^{10} for 2 n 10 2\leq n\leq 10 . We claim that 1 0 n > n 10 10^n > n^{10} for n > 11 n > 11 . This can be shown by induction, since we have n = 11 n = 11 as a base case. If 1 0 n > n 10 10^n > n^{10} and n 11 n \geq 11 then 1 0 n + 1 = 10 1 0 n > 10 n 10 = ( n 10 10 ) 10 > ( n + 1 ) 10 10^{n+1} = 10\cdot 10^n > 10n^{10} = (n\sqrt[10]{10})^{10} > (n+1)^{10}

Only 2 correct solutions were submitted, of which this is one of them. Students had major difficulties justifying their opinions, and even wrote contradictory statements.

The most common argument was that 1 0 n 10^n 'obviously' grows faster than n 10 n^{10} . If this statement is true, it would contradict the fact that n = 1 n=1 is not a solution but n = 2 n=2 is a solution, which they were all too happy to mention in the next paragraph. Students who even tried to justify this "by differentiating" clearly didn't do the differentiation, or did it wrong (as in several cases). The statement that "Exponential growth is faster than Polynomial growth" is only true for sufficiently large n n , and not necessarily true for small values.

Another common mistake made was in not understanding the graph n log n \frac {n}{\log n} completely, and attempting to calculate when this is > 10 >10 . It can be difficult to justify that n log n = 10 \frac {n}{\log n} = 10 only has 2 roots, unless you really understand the behavior of this graph.

Calvin Lin Staff - 7 years ago

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So what's the correct justification and solution to this?

Shanu Jindal - 3 years, 3 months ago

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This solution is correct.

Calvin Lin Staff - 3 years, 3 months ago
Giovanni Italiano
May 20, 2014

For n>10 LHS>RHS We can use induction to prove it. For n=1 we have 10>1 For 2=<n=<10 the inequality is true

José C. Barba
May 20, 2014

Due to the fact that the logarithm function is strictly increasing then we can change the inequality to

n 10 log 10 n . n \le 10\, \log_{10}n.

Those two functions take the same value for n = { 1.37.... , 10 } n=\{1.37....,10\} . Although one can not know immediately the first solution at least one can deduce it is between 1 and 2.

Solutions need to be between 2 and 10, because values of n n greater than 10 do not satisfy the proposed condition.

So the final answer is 9, corresponding to the positive integers between 2 and 10, both included.

Max Baroi
May 20, 2014

Transform the inequality by taking the log base 10 of both sides to see n 10 log n n \leq 10 \log n . We can do this because log is defined on all positives, is one-to-one, and is increasing. Note, we have equality when n n is 10. Furthermore, n n grows faster than log n \log n so 10 must be the largest n n for which the inequality holds.

We just need to check for n n less than 10, and we readily see that only when n n is 1, does the inequality not hold.

So the solution set is all positive integers less than or equal to 10 except. Then counting on our fingers we see that there are 9 such integers.

Philip Sun
May 20, 2014

Taking the base 10 logarithm of both sides, we get n log n 10 n\le\log n^{10} , or n 10 log n n\le10\log n . We can divide so that the n n is only on one side of the equation to get n log n 10 \frac{n}{\log n}\le10 . The numerator of this fraction will increase faster than the denominator, so if we find that for some k k that the fraction is equal to 10, then for all integers greater than k k , the fraction will be greater than 10. This happens at k = 10 k=10 . Thus, we have our upper bound. The lower bound, 2 2 , can be easily found by testing the original inequality with the first few values of n n . n log n \frac{n}{\log n} will continuously increase from 2 to 10, so all values in between will work as well. The answer is the number of integers between 2 and 10 inclusive, or 9.

Ayush Pandey
May 20, 2014

step 1: check for 1: 10^1 ? 1^10 ----> 10 >1 so, 1 doesn't belong to the answer. step 2: check by putting n=2, we find that 10^2<2^{10}. obviously, all n<10 belong to the set of our answer. step 3: now, 10^{10}=10^{10}. so, 10 also belongs to the answer. (if you want, you can check by putting n>10 ----> n=11) step 4: neglecting 1, we find this pattern: 10^(n<10) < (n<10)^{10} , 10^(n=10) = (n=10)^{10} , 10^(n>10) > (n>10)^{10} step 5: count the number of elements of the set of answers, i.e., 2,,3,4.......10 which is equal to 10-1=9 step 6: the answer is 9.

For n=1, (10^1)/(1^10)=10/1=10>1, not valid For n=10, 10^10=10^10, equality valid Now, for n=2, (10^2)/(2^10)=(5^2)/(2^8) is proper fraction<1,valid Likely for n=3,4,5,6,7,8,9 it is correct. Now, for n=11, (10^11)/(11^10)=10(10^10)/(11^10) is improper fraction>1, not valid Just like, n=12,13 or more the given relation becomes invalid. Therefore, number of positive integers is 9.

Erick Sumargo
May 20, 2014

to solve this problem, simple: 1. When we substitute n integer=1, the result will be 10<=1 and surely that's not fulfill the condition of "<=". 2. Start from n=2 until n=9, the result will fulfill the requirement of "< " than .... 3. Next we get n=10, where the result will be equally same 10^10 = 10^10 and still fulfill the requirement of "=" 4.Start from n=11 until n= inf the result has not fulfilled the requirement which ">" than ... So the array of n's integer is = {2,3,4,...,10) which the length is 9.

Noel Lo
May 20, 2014

Taking natural logarithm on both sides, we have: lg 10^n <= lg n^10 n<= 10 lg n n/(lg n) <= 10 Since if n =10, n/(lg n) = 10, then n <= 10. But n = 1 would mean lg n = 0, rendering n/(lg n) undefined, hence there are only 9 possible positive integer values for n (2 to 10 inclusive).

Rogers Epstein
May 20, 2014

The first important thing to note is that the smallest such value for n is 2, since 10^1>1^10. Next, note that since the equation asks for a value greater than OR EQUAL to 10^n. So, it is easy to see both sides ate equal when n=10, since both sides are 10^10. Finally, we note that 10^n increases significantly faster than n^10. This can be shown by taking their derivatives:

(d/dn)10^n at n=10 is ln10 10^10. (d/dn)n^10 at n=10 is 10 10^9= 10^10.

Since ln10>1, 10^n>n^10 if n>10. So, the solutions are the integers 2-10 inclusive, which consist of 9 numbers.

Ye Ang Lim
May 20, 2014

n=1 is obviously not possible Case of n=2, 10^2 < 2^10 Case of n=10, 10^10 = 10^10 that means it holds for 2≤n≤10 until now. Case of n=11 10^11= (10^5 x 10^(1/2))^2 Since the square root of 10 is 3.16227766..., we got 10^11 > 300000^2 > 161051^2 = (11^5)^2 = 11^10, n=11 is false, for n > 11, the LHS will be multiplied by 10 and the RHS will be multiplied by k^10 (where k = (n+1)/n for n >11) and since the k is indirectly propotional to n, the max value of k is 1.1^10 = 2. ... < 10, for n >11 , the inequality will always fail. QED

Calvin Lin Staff
May 13, 2014

We can check that the integers 2 to 10 satisfy the condition. For n 11 n \geq 11 , we will show by induction that 1 0 n > n 10 10^n > n^{10} . Going from k k to k + 1 k+1 , we are multiplying the LHS by 10, and multiplying the RHS by ( k + 1 k ) 10 \left(\frac {k+1}{k}\right)^{10} , which is less than or equal to ( 11 10 ) 10 \left(\frac {11}{10} \right)^{10} , which is less than 10. (For example, 1. 1 5 = 1.61051 < 3 1.1^5 = 1.61051 < 3 , implying 1. 1 10 < 9 1.1^{10} < 9 .)

Hence, there are 10 2 + 1 = 9 10-2+1 = 9 such positive integers.

1^10 = 1, which means 10^1 < 1 is false. On the other hand, if you calculate 10^2 and 2^10 (100 and 1024) you will see that this is right. Same for 3,4,5,...,8,9 and 10! 10^10 = 10^10 so this is right too! Then 10^11 is obviously bigger than 11^10 => The soultions are following: {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10} //that's nine numbers.

Nathan Weisz
May 20, 2014

TenToN = function(n){ for(var i=0; i<n; i++){ var temp=Math.pow(10, i); var temp2=Math.pow(i, 10); //console.log(i+" "+temp+" "+temp2);

        console.log(i+" "+temp+" "+temp2);




Sharad Gaikwad
May 20, 2014
10^n    n^10    10^n-n^10

1 10- 1= 9 >0 2 100- 1024= -924 <0 3 1000 -59049= -58049 <0 4 10000 -1048576 =-1038576<0 5 100000 -9765625= -9665625 <0 6 1000000 -60466176 =-59466176<0 7 10000000 -282475249 =-272475249 <0 8 100000000 -1073741824 =-973741824 <0 9 1000000000 -3486784401 =-2486784401<0
10 10000000000 -10000000000= 0
11 1E+11 -25937424601 =74062575399 >0 12 1E+12 61917364224 9.38083E+11 13 1E+13 1.37858E+11 9.86214E+12 14 1E+14 1E+14
15 1E+15 1E+15
16 1E+16 1E+16
17 1E+17 1E+17
18 1E+18 1E+18

Since we know that 10^10 = 10^10, the maximum value of n must be 10. Also, we know that n cannot be 1 because 1 is not greater that 10. Hence the smallest possible value of n will be 2, because 1024 is more that 100.

Thus, n can be any number from 2 to 10, or 10-2 + 1 = 9 numbers.

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