A number has 2014 digits in decimal representation, and leaves a remainder 5 when divided by 11.
What is the remainder when the same number formed by reversing it's digits is divided by 11?
Details and Assumptions
Number formed by reversing digits of is
is a 3-digit number, not digit.
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The divisibility by 11 rule is to add every other number starting from the first digit, then subtract every other number starting from the second and if the difference between the two is divisible by 11, the original number is divisible by 11.
Let us call the sum of every other number from the first a and from the second b. a − b ≡ 5 ( m o d 1 1 ) ∴ b − a ≡ − 5 ≡ 6 ( m o d 1 1 ) .
NOTE: if this number had an odd number of digits, then if the number was flipped the remainder wouldn't change. Eg abc: a+c-b, cba: c+a-b.