111 is an amazing number!

11 1 2 + 11 1 3 + 11 1 4 + + 11 1 16 = ? \large111_2+111_3+111_4+\ldots+111_{16}=\ ?

Give your answer in decimal representation.

The answer is 1645.

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2 solutions

Rajen Kapur
Jun 1, 2015

For any radix r \large r , as ( 111 ) r = r 2 + r + 1 , \large (111)_r = r^2 + r + 1, hence the given summation is r = 2 16 ( r 2 + r + 1 ) = 1645 \large \sum_{r = 2}^{16} ( r^2 + r + 1 ) = 1645 Please see Jake Lai's first three lines for steps to get 1645.

Moderator note:

Yes, this is the standard approach. For the sake of clarity, can you show your steps to obtain the value of 1645 1645 ?

Bonus question : Evaluate this expression below as well. And generalize your result for m = 1 n m m m m + 1 \displaystyle \sum_{m=1}^n \overline{mmm}_{m+1} .

11 1 2 + 22 2 3 + 33 3 4 + 44 4 5 + + 88 8 9 + 99 9 10 \large 111_2 + 222_3 + 333_4 + 444_5 + \ldots + 888_9 + 999_{10}

Note that k 2 = n ( n + 1 ) ( 2 n + 1 ) / 6 \sum k^{2} = n(n+1)(2n+1)/6 , k = n ( n + 1 ) / 2 \sum k = n(n+1)/2 and of course 1 = n \sum 1 = n . We get

16 ( 16 + 1 ) ( 2 × 16 + 1 ) 6 + 16 ( 16 + 1 ) 2 + 16 3 = 1645 \frac{16(16+1)(2 \times 16+1)}{6} + \frac{16(16+1)}{2} + 16 - 3 = 1645

having to subtracting 3 3 since we're missing 11 1 1 111_{1} .

Alternatively, you could do something similar but taking advantage of the fact that ( k + 1 ) 2 k = 11 1 k (k+1)^{2}-k = 111_{k} .

Jake Lai - 6 years ago
Vaibhav Prasad
Jun 1, 2015

11 1 2 111_2 in decimal system = 7 =7

11 1 3 111_3 in decimal system = 13 =13

11 1 4 111_4 in decimal system = 21 =21

So we see that the numbers are in a series where the difference increases by 2 : 2 :

7 + 6 13 + 8 21 + 10 31 + 12 43........ 7+6\rightarrow13+8\rightarrow21+10\rightarrow31+12\rightarrow43........

Summing these upto the 1 6 t h 16^{th} term, we get 1645 \boxed {1645}

Moderator note:

You have only shown that it appears to be true for the first few terms of the expression. How do you know that the common difference between each consecutive terms increases by 2?

Despite that, can you think of an simpler approach to this problem?

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