Large number's modular operation

122333444455555666666 10000000001000000000 1000000000 \large 122333444455555666666\ldots 10000000001000000000\ldots 1000000000

The large number above is formed by concatenating one 1, two 2's, three 3's, four 4's, ... , one billion 1 0 9 10^9 's in that order.

Find the remainder when this larger number is divided by 3.

1 2 0

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2 solutions

Joseph Newton
Jan 18, 2018

A well known rule for whether a number is divisible by 3 3 is whether the sum of its digits is divisible by 3 3 . This can be extended to: n m o d 3 = digital root ( n ) m o d 3 n\bmod3=\text{digital root}(n)\bmod3 This is easily proven by the fact that 1 0 n ÷ 1 10^n\div1 has a remainder of 3 3 for any positive integer n n . For example, we'll look at the number 478 478 : 478 m o d 3 = [ 400 + 70 + 8 ] m o d 3 = [ 4 × ( 100 m o d 3 ) + 7 × ( 10 m o d 3 ) + 8 ] m o d 3 = [ 4 × ( 1 ) + 7 × ( 1 ) + 8 ] m o d 3 = [ 4 + 7 + 8 ] \begin{aligned}478\bmod3&=[400+70+8]\bmod3\\ &=[4\times(100\bmod3)+7\times(10\bmod3)+8]\bmod3\\ &=[4\times(1)+7\times(1)+8]\bmod3\\ &=[4+7+8]\end{aligned} So to find the remainder on dividing by 3 3 of the large number in the question, we will find the remainder on dividing by 3 3 of the digital root of the number: 122333444455555666666 10000000001000000000 1000000000 m o d 3 = digital root ( 122333444455555666666 10000000001000000000 1000000000 ) m o d 3 = ( 1 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + + 1000000000 + 1000000000 + + 1000000000 ) m o d 3 = ( 1 + 2 × 2 + 3 × 3 + 4 × 4 + + 1000000000 × 1000000000 ) m o d 3 = ( 1 + 2 2 + 3 2 + 4 2 + 5 2 + 6 2 + + 100000000 0 2 ) m o d 3 = [ ( 1 m o d 3 ) + ( 2 2 m o d 3 ) + ( 3 2 m o d 3 ) + ( 4 2 m o d 3 ) + ( 5 2 m o d 3 ) + ( 6 2 m o d 3 ) + + ( 100000000 0 2 m o d 3 ) ] m o d 3 122333444455555666666\dots10000000001000000000\dots1000000000\bmod3\\ =\text{digital root}(122333444455555666666\dots10000000001000000000\dots1000000000)\bmod3\\ =(1+2+2+3+3+3+4+4+4+4+\dots+1000000000+1000000000+\dots+1000000000)\bmod3\\ =(1+2\times2+3\times3+4\times4+\dots+1000000000\times1000000000)\bmod3\\ =(1+2^2+3^2+4^2+5^2+6^2+\dots+1000000000^2)\bmod3\\ =[(1\bmod3)+(2^2\bmod3)+(3^2\bmod3)+(4^2\bmod3)+(5^2\bmod3)+(6^2\bmod3)+\dots+(1000000000^2\bmod3)]\bmod3 Now we have to see what remainder we get from each term on dividing by 3 3 :

  • If n m o d 3 = 0 n\bmod3=0 , then n 2 m o d 3 = 0 n^2\bmod3=\textbf{0}
  • If n m o d 3 = 1 n\bmod3=1 , then n 2 m o d 3 = ( n m o d 3 ) 2 m o d 3 = 1 m o d 3 = 1 n^2\bmod3=(n\bmod3)^2\bmod3=1\bmod3=\textbf{1}
  • If n m o d 3 = 2 n\bmod3=2 , then n 2 m o d 3 = ( n m o d 3 ) 2 m o d 3 = 2 2 m o d 3 = 4 m o d 3 = 1 n^2\bmod3=(n\bmod3)^2\bmod3=2^2\bmod3=4\bmod3=\textbf{1}

This means we get a pattern of 1s and 0s in our sum: [ ( 1 m o d 3 ) + ( 2 2 m o d 3 ) + ( 3 2 m o d 3 ) + ( 4 2 m o d 3 ) + ( 5 2 m o d 3 ) + ( 6 2 m o d 3 ) + + ( 100000000 0 2 m o d 3 ) ] m o d 3 = 1 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 0 + + 1 + 1 + 0 + 1 m o d 3 [(1\bmod3)+(2^2\bmod3)+(3^2\bmod3)+(4^2\bmod3)+(5^2\bmod3)+(6^2\bmod3)+\dots+(1000000000^2\bmod3)]\bmod3\\ =1+1+0+1+1+0+1+1+0+\dots+1+1+0+1\bmod3 Since 1000000000 divided by 3 gives 333333333 with remainder 1, our sum equals: [ ( 1 + 1 + 0 ) × 333333333 + ( 100000000 0 2 m o d 3 ) ] m o d 3 = ( 2 × 333333333 + 1 ) m o d 3 = 1 [(1+1+0)\times333333333+(1000000000^2\bmod3)]\bmod3\\ =(2\times333333333+1)\bmod3\\ =1 Since 333333333 is divisible by three, this term disappears when taking the remainder on dividing by three, leaving only the 1 from the 100000000 0 2 1000000000^2 .

Therefore the final answer is 1 \boxed{1} .

Haran Mouli
Jan 19, 2018

We have S(n) is congruent to 1^2+2^2+...+(10^9)^2. Note that n is congruent to S(n) mod 3. We know that every positive square is either divisible by 3 or leaves remainder 1. Hence, we have: S(n) congruent to 2*{[(10^9)-1] /3}+1 S(n) congruent to 1 mod 3 since 9 divides 10^9-1 Therefore, n is congruent to 1 mod 3. Is something wrong with this solution?

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