1239! Ends With Many Zeros?

Calculate How Many Zeros Ends In 1239 ! \displaystyle1239!

The answer is 306.

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2 solutions

Kartik Umate
Apr 5, 2014

If a number has n \textit{n} terminal zeros \textit{zeros} , then it contains n \textit{n} factors of 10 10 . But since 10 = 5 2 10=5\cdot 2 we are asking how many how many factors of 2 2 and 5 5 are there.

Since 2 2 is smaller than 5 5 , for any factor of 5 5 there will be enough factors of 2 2 to make a factor of 10 10 . thus we need to count only factors of 5 5

Since 1239 ÷ 5 = 247.8 1239 \div 5 = 247.8

there are 247 247 factors of 5 5 on 1239 1239

But the numbers divisible by 25 25 will have 2 2 factors of 5 5 of which 1 1 we have counted.

Since, 1239 ÷ 25 = 49.56 1239 \div 25 = 49.56

there are 49 49 factors of 5 5 again

Similarly, there will be 3 3 factors of 125 125 in 1239 1239 of which 2 2 we have counted

Since, 1239 ÷ 125 = 9.912 1239 \div 125 = 9.912

there are 9 9 factors of 5 5 again

similarly there will be 1 1 factor again of 5 5 taking into consideration 625 625 which contain 4 4 factors of 5 5

Therefore, there are total 247 + 49 + 9 + 1 = 306 247+49+9+1 = 306 factors of 5 5

which implies that there are total 306 306 z e r o s zeros at the end of 1239 ! 1239!

Thanh Viet
May 10, 2014

There are: 247 numbers divisible by 5; 49 numbers divisible by 25; 9 numbers divisible by 125; 1 number divisible by 625; Hence there are: 247+49+9+1=306 numbers 0.

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