6 x 3 is divisible by (6 + 3)

How many unordered pairs ( m , n ) (m,n) are there, such that m m and n n are coprime positive integers less than 100, and m n m + n \dfrac{mn}{m+n} is an integer?

The answer is 0.

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1 solution

Kenny Lau
Aug 8, 2015
  • Since m m and n n are coprime:
  • 1: m + n m+n and m m are also coprime.
  • 2: m + n m+n and n n are also coprime.
  • Combining 1 and 2: m + n m+n and m n mn are also coprime.
  • For any two coprime integers a a and b b , a a is divisible by b b iff b = 1 b=1 , i.e. m + n = 1 m+n=1 .
  • This is impossible as m m and n n are positive.

Very nice solution!

Adarsh Kumar - 5 years, 10 months ago

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Thank you!

Kenny Lau - 5 years, 10 months ago

It is superb! Far easier than mine.

A Former Brilliant Member - 5 years, 10 months ago

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I would like to hear yours! :)

Kenny Lau - 5 years, 10 months ago

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