145 followers Problems #2

Algebra Level 5

What is the minimum value of ( a 3 c 2 + a 2 b 3 + b 2 c 3 ) ( b 3 c + a c 3 + a 3 b ) ({ a }^{ 3 }{ c }^{ 2 }+{ a }^{ 2 }{ b }^{ 3 }+{ b }^{ 2 }{ c }^{ 3 })({ b }^{ 3 }c+a{ c }^{ 3 }+{ a }^{ 3 }b) if the value of a 3 b 3 c 3 = 27 { a }^{ 3 }{ b }^{ 3 }{ c }^{ 3 }=27 and given that they all are positive real numbers.

You can find a similar question or rather a prequel to this problem 145 followers problem #1

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The answer is 243.

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2 solutions

Aareyan Manzoor
Nov 4, 2015

since a 3 b 3 c 3 = 27 a^3b^3c^3=27 , b 3 c + a c 3 + a 3 b = b 3 a 3 c 3 a 3 c 2 + b 3 a 3 c 3 a 2 b 3 + b 3 a 3 c 3 b 2 c 3 = 27 a 3 c 2 + 27 a 2 b 3 + 27 b 2 c 3 b^3c+ac^3+a^3b=\dfrac{b^3a^3c^3}{a^3c^2}+\dfrac{b^3a^3c^3}{a^2b^3}+\dfrac{b^3a^3c^3}{b^2c^3}=\dfrac{27}{a^3c^2}+\dfrac{27}{a^2b^3}+\dfrac{27}{b^2c^3} by cauchy sarwaz: ( a 3 c 2 + a 2 b 3 + b 2 c 3 ) ( b 3 c + a c 3 + a 3 b ) = ( a 3 c 2 + a 2 b 3 + b 2 c 3 ) ( 27 a 3 c 2 + 27 a 2 b 3 + 27 b 2 c 3 ) ( 27 + 27 + 27 ) 2 = 243 ({ a }^{ 3 }{ c }^{ 2 }+{ a }^{ 2 }{ b }^{ 3 }+{ b }^{ 2 }{ c }^{ 3 })({ b }^{ 3 }c+a{ c }^{ 3 }+{ a }^{ 3 }b)=({ a }^{ 3 }{ c }^{ 2 }+{ a }^{ 2 }{ b }^{ 3 }+{ b }^{ 2 }{ c }^{ 3 })(\dfrac{27}{a^3c^2}+\dfrac{27}{a^2b^3}+\dfrac{27}{b^2c^3})\geq (\sqrt{27}+\sqrt{27}+\sqrt{27})^2=\boxed{243}

Jonathan Hocker
Nov 3, 2015

My LATEX game is weak (or nonexistent) so I'll try to verbally explain this. If you factor (abc)^2 from the left term and (abc) from the right and then apply AM-GM inequality to each you obtain a nice cancelation and are left with 3^5=243 once you apply the constraint that (abc)^3=27. Equality when a=b=c=3^(1/3).

Level 3 problem is on level 5

Dev Sharma - 5 years, 7 months ago

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I also feel the same. Btw I'll upload another question when I get 150 followers which will be hopefully a deserving level 5 problem.

Satyajit Ghosh - 5 years, 7 months ago

Level 4 imo. AM/GM is fairly advanced concept. At least, this was never taught to me in high school :(

Matt O - 5 years, 5 months ago

Better than what I did. I expanded the whole thing and grouped stuff before applying AM-GM.

Matt O - 5 years, 5 months ago

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