153 degrees must be a special angle

Geometry Level 4

Chord AB \text{AB} subtends an angle of 15 3 153^{\circ} at the centre O \text{O} of a circle. Point P \text{P} is the point of trisection of the major arc AB \text{AB} closer to B \text{B} . If Q \text{Q} is a point on the minor arc AB \text{AB} , find in degrees AQP \angle \text{AQP} .

The answer is 69.

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1 solution

Jimmy Qi
Jun 22, 2015

Because A O B = 153 \angle AOB = 153 , the other side of A O B = 360 153 = 207 \angle AOB = 360 - 153 = 207 . Point P P trisects the major arc A B AB thus O P OP trisects A O B \angle AOB . Therefore B O P = 69 \angle BOP = 69 , and P O A = 138 \angle POA = 138 . By central angle theorem we can tell that A Q P = 1 2 P O A \angle AQP = \frac{1}{2} \angle POA . A Q P = 69 \angle AQP = \boxed{69}

Nice.. (y)

Shreyansh Singh Solanki - 5 years, 10 months ago

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