
What is the smallest possible positive integer value of δ , \delta, such that for some integers α , \alpha, β , \beta, γ , \gamma, δ \delta and ϵ \epsilon , the following condition is true?

Condition: For every five-digit number a b c d e \overline{abcde} that is a multiple of 32 , 32, α a + β b + γ c + δ d + ϵ e \alpha a + \beta b + \gamma c + \delta d + \epsilon e is also a multiple of 32. 32.

Details and assumptions

a b c \overline{abc} means 100 a + 10 b + 1 c 100a + 10b + 1c , as opposed to a × b × c a \times b \times c . As an explicit example, for a = 2 , b = 3 , c = 4 a=2, b=3, c=4 , a b c = 234 \overline{abc} = 234 and not 2 × 3 × 4 = 24 2 \times 3 \times 4 = 24 .

The answer is 2.

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4 solutions

Jared Low
Sep 30, 2013

From the given conditions, we have 32 10000 a + 1000 b + 100 c + 10 d + e 32|10000a+1000b+100c+10d+e . Subsequently, this means that: 32 10000 a + 1000 b + 100 c + 10 d + e + 64 e 32|10000a+1000b+100c+10d+e+64e = 10000 a + 1000 b + 100 c + 10 d + 65 e =10000a+1000b+100c+10d+65e .

Since g c d ( 32 , 5 ) = 1 gcd(32,5)=1 , we can divide the RHS by 5 to get 32 2000 a + 200 b + 20 c + 2 d + 13 e 32|2000a+200b+20c+2d+13e . It now suffices to show that 2 2 is the least positive integer value for δ \delta . Just taking any number where a , b , c , e a,b,c,e are even and d d is odd will show that δ = 1 \delta=1 does not suffice (such as 40256)

Thus, the smallest positive integer value for δ \delta is 2 \boxed{2}

Moderator note:

Nicely done!

Michael Tong
Sep 30, 2013

We are given 32 10000 a + 1000 b + 100 c + 10 d + e 32 | 10000a + 1000b + 100c + 10d + e . The factors of 10 10 are 2 5 2 * 5 , and since all of the terms are divisible by 5 5 except for the last one, we look to make the last one a multiple of 5. This can be done by adding 64 e 64e (since e is an integer, it still satisfies the divisibility condition). Since 32 32 and 5 5 are coprime, we can divide the right hand side by 5 while still preserving the divisibility condition, resulting in 2000 a + 200 b + 20 c + 2 d + 13 e 2000a + 200b + 20c + 2d + 13e . So now the answer is either 1 1 or 2 2 . 1 1 doesn't work if d is odd, e.g. abcde = 22656, as the resulting sum would be odd. Thus, 2 2 is minimized as possible.

Moderator note:

Nicely done!

Eddie The Head
Mar 13, 2014

We denote a b c d e \overline{abcde} by a b c d e abcde

1. \textbf{1.} Consider a b c d e = 20000 = 32 675 abcde = 20000 = 32*675

Then, 32 2 α 32 | 2 \alpha and hence 16 α 16 | \alpha , α = 16 k 1 \alpha = 16k_1

2. \textbf{2.} Now let us consider a b c d e = 12000 = 32 375 abcde = 12000 = 32*375 .This gives us 32 16 k + 2 β 32 | 16k+2\beta or 16 2 β 16| 2\beta or 8 β 8|\beta , hence β 8 \beta \ge 8 . Clearly β = 8 \beta = 8 is possible since 32 10000 a + 1000 b + 100 c + 10 d + e 32 | 10000a+1000b+100c+10d+e 32 10000 a + 8 b + 100 c + 10 d + e 32 | 10000a+8b+100c+10d+e Setting α = 1000 \alpha = 1000 , β = 8 \beta = 8 , γ \gamma = 100, δ \delta = 10 & ϵ = 1 \epsilon = 1 ,we have our condition satisfied. So β = 8 \beta = 8 is the smallest possible value of β \beta .

3. \textbf{3.} Let us consider abcde = 24800 = 32 775 24800 = 32*775

So 32 2 α + 4 β + 8 γ 32|2\alpha + 4\beta+8\gamma 32 32 k 1 + 32 k 2 + 8 γ 32|32k_1 + 32k_2+8\gamma \ 32 8 γ 32|8\gamma 4 γ 4|\gamma So γ 4 \gamma \ge 4 let γ = 4 k 3 \gamma = 4k_3

4. \textbf{4.} Let us consider a b c d e = 20320 abcde = 20320 . 32 2 α + 3 γ + 2 δ 32|2\alpha + 3\gamma + 2\delta If 32 divides the whole thing then 4 also does so 4 32 k 1 + 12 k 3 + 2 δ 4|32k_1+12k_3+2\delta 2 δ 2|\delta

hence δ 2 \delta \ge 2

Now we have to show that the value δ = 2 \delta = 2 is achievable.

5. \textbf{5.} Let us take a b c d e = 20480 abcde = 20480 . So 32 2 α + 4 γ + 8 δ 32|2\alpha+ 4\gamma +8\delta

If we put α = 16 k 1 \alpha = 16k_1 and γ = 4 \gamma = 4 and δ = 2 \delta=2 , we get 32 32 k 1 + 16 + 16 32|32k_1+16+16 32 32 k 1 + 32 32|32k_1+32 This is indeed true !!!So the lowest possible value of δ \delta is indeed achievable!!! So The minimum value of δ \delta is 2 \boxed{2} .


Aryan Gaikwad - 7 years, 2 months ago

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What ?? :D

Eddie The Head - 7 years, 2 months ago
Sumit Goel
Sep 29, 2013

10000a+1000b+100c+10d+e is divisible by 32 thus

16a+8b+4c+10d+e is divisible by 32.

now we want to minimize the coefficient of d.

To do so we multiply the expression by 13

(16a+8b+4c+10d+e)*13 is divisible by 32 which gives 16a+8b+20c+2d+13e

so we get 2

Is there a particular method you decided to use 13 as a multiplier?

Jung Min Lee - 7 years, 8 months ago

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coefficient of d would vary depending on the multiplier.. if multiplier is 1 coefficient is 10, if it is 4 then we have 40-32=8, for 7 we have 70-64=6 ..similarly for 13 we have 130-128=2. For 16 we get 0 but we want a positive integer so we go for 13

Sumit Goel - 7 years, 8 months ago

I used my calculator to calculate the 10*n mod 32 for n from 1 to 15. The min is 2 at n=13 :)

Louis Abraham - 7 years, 8 months ago

@ Sumit G,

I think you did skip one step, namely explaining why δ \delta cannot be 1. (Granted, it is a pretty easy step: the fact that 32 64032 32|64032 shows that δ \delta must be even.)

Peter Byers - 7 years, 8 months ago

@ Jung Min L.

Is there a particular method you decided to use 13 as a multiplier?

δ \delta can be any 10 x + 32 y 10x+32y for integers x , y x,y . Hence, we can have δ = 10 ( 13 ) + 32 ( 4 ) = 2 \delta=10(13)+32(-4)=2 (or δ = 10 ( 3 ) + 32 ( 1 ) = 2 \delta=10(-3)+32(1)=2 ).

Peter Byers - 7 years, 8 months ago

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