1's and 0's

What is the smallest positive number consisting of only 1's and 0's in its decimal representation that leaves a remainder of 5 when divided by 22?

The answer is 101010101.

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1 solution

Anthony Muleta
Jan 20, 2015

Denote this number N N . Note that since N N contains only 1's and 0's, it can be written as the sum of various powers of 10, or, more formally,

N = i = 0 n a i 10 i N=\sum _{ i=0 }^{ n }{ { a }_{ i }\cdot { 10 }^{ i } }

where a i a_i is equal to either 1 or 0. Now, consider the first few values of 10 i ( m o d 22 ) { 10 }^{ i }\pmod {22} .

10 0 ( m o d 22 ) = 1 10 1 ( m o d 22 ) = 10 10 2 ( m o d 22 ) = 12 10 3 ( m o d 22 ) = 10 10 4 ( m o d 22 ) = 12 { 10 }^{ 0 }\pmod {22}=1\\ { 10 }^{ 1 }\pmod {22}=10\\ { 10 }^{ 2 }\pmod {22}=12\\ { 10 }^{ 3 }\pmod {22}=10\\ { 10 }^{ 4 }\pmod {22}=12

After a few trials a pattern quickly emerges; when i i is even, it leaves a remainder of 12, and when i i is odd, it leaves a remainder of 10. Therefore, N N is some combination of powers of 10 leaving remainders of 1, 10 and 12. Since N 5 ( m o d 22 ) N\equiv 5\pmod {22} , the sum of the remainders of this combination must also be. Let a a represent the number of 10 1 {10}^{1} 's in N N , b b represent the number of 10 2 k + 1 {10}^{2k+1} 's and c c represent the number of 10 2 k {10}^{2k} 's. We have that:

a + 10 b + 12 c 5 ( m o d 22 ) a+10b+12c\equiv 5\pmod {22} .

After trialing a few values for a a , b b and c c , we see that a = 1 a=1 , b = 0 b=0 , c = 4 c=4 satisfies the conditions and gives us the least value of N N .

Since a = 1 a=1 , we have one 10 0 {10}^{0} .

Since b = 0 b=0 , we have no 10 2 k + 1 {10}^{2k+1} 's.

Since c = 4 c=4 , we have four 10 2 k {10}^{2k} 's, and we choose k = 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 k=1,2,3,4 to give us the least number of digits of N N .

Hence, N = 10 0 + 10 2 + 10 4 + 10 6 + 10 8 N={ 10 }^{ 0 }+{ 10 }^{ 2 }+{ 10 }^{ 4 }+{ 10 }^{ 6 }+{ 10 }^{ 8 }

N = 101010101 N=\boxed { 101010101 } .

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