
How many natural numbers are multiples of 210 and had 210 divisors?

The answer is 24.

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1 solution

Drop TheProblem
Dec 20, 2014

210 = 2 3 5 7 210=2*3*5*7

The number of divisors d d of a number N = p 1 α 1 p 2 α 2 . . . . . . . . p n 1 α n 1 p n α n N=p^{\alpha_1}_1*p^{\alpha_2}_2*........*p^{\alpha_{n-1}}_{n-1}*p^{\alpha_n}_n is d = ( α 1 + 1 ) ( α 2 + 1 ) . . . . . . . . ( α n 1 + 1 ) ( α n + 1 ) d=(\alpha_1+1)*(\alpha_2+1)*........*(\alpha_{n-1}+1)*(\alpha_n+1) with p i p_i prime factors

A number multiple of 210 210 is in the form 2 α 3 β 5 γ 7 δ k 2^\alpha*3^\beta*5^\gamma*7^\delta*k . In this case k = 1 k=1 because of the exponent 210 which has 4 divisors.

Now it's necessary that α = ( 2 1 ) \alpha=(2-1) or ( 3 1 ) (3-1) or ( 5 1 ) (5-1) or ( 7 1 ) (7-1) \Rightarrow α = 1 \alpha=1 or 2 2 or 4 4 or 6 6 . The same is for β \beta , γ \gamma and δ \delta .

In conclusion α \alpha has 4 possibilities, β \beta has 3 possibilities, γ \gamma has 2 possibilities and δ \delta has 1 possibility. Total numbers are 1 2 3 4 = 24 1*2*3*4=\boxed{24}

A simpler presentation, albeit similar to yours, would be,

Prime factorization of 210 = 7 × 3 × 2 × 5 210=7\times 3\times 2\times 5

General form of the required numbers = 210 × 7 a × 3 b × 2 c × 5 d =210\times 7^{a}\times 3^{b}\times 2^{c}\times 5^{d}

with the powers ( a , b , c , d ) (a,b,c,d) being permuted within the sequence { 5 , 1 , 0 , 3 } \{5,1,0,3\} so that the theorem of number of divisors is obeyed properly. Since the elements of this set are distinct, we are left with 4 4 choices for the 4 4 powers. We can permute these choices for the powers in 4 ! = 24 4!=\boxed{24} ways.

Prasun Biswas - 6 years, 3 months ago

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Yes that's exactly how someone shall think.

Kunal Verma - 6 years, 2 months ago

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