2 circles tangent to each other... (Application of Angle Bisector)

Geometry Level 3

Given 2 c o n g r u e n t congruent circles w/ center O 1 O_{1} and O 2 O_{2} is tangent to each other and circle O 1 O_{1} is tangent to AB and Circle O 2 O_{2} is tangent to CB. If A B C \angle ABC is 60 d e g r e e s 60 degrees and there is 1 chord in Circle O 1 O_{1} named A D AD such that, it is tangent to A B AB as shown in the fig. Given that A D AD is 15 c m . 15 cm. , find the A r e a ( C i r c l e O 1 ) + A r e a ( C i r c l e O 2 Area(Circle O_{1}) + Area(Circle O_{2} .


Assumptions: Use π = 3.14 \pi = 3.14 or 22 7 \cfrac{22}{7} or 3.1416 3.1416


1) Round down your answer to a whole number i . e . 1.222222... = 1 , 300.1222222 = 300 , 8999.8888... = 8999 i.e. 1.222222... = 1, 300.1222222 = 300, 8999.8888... = 8999

2) Point D D is found between the 2 circles. (point of tangency)

3) A D AD and C D CD are not radii.

The answer is 378.

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1 solution

Christian Daang
Jan 24, 2015

By using Law of Sines in Triangle A O 1 D AO_{1}D ,

s i n 150 15 = s i n 15 r \cfrac{sin 150}{15} = \cfrac{sin 15}{r}

-> 1 / 2 15 = 6 2 4 r \cfrac{{1}/{2}}{15} = \cfrac{\cfrac{\sqrt{6} - \sqrt{2}}{4}}{r}

-> r = 15 ( 6 2 2 r = \cfrac{15(\sqrt{6}-\sqrt{2}}{2}

Since Circle O 1 O_{1} ~ Circle O 2 O_{2} , then, Area(Circle O 1 O_{1} ) ~ Area(Circle O 2 O_{2} )

Area(Circle O 1 O_{1} = ( 15 ( 6 2 2 ) 2 π (\cfrac{15(\sqrt{6}-\sqrt{2}}{2})^{2} * \pi

= 225 π ( 2 3 225\pi * (2-\sqrt{3} sq. units.

\therefore ,

Area C i r c l e O 1 Circle O_{1} + Area C i r c l e O 2 Circle O_{2} = 2* 225 π ( 2 3 225\pi * (2-\sqrt{3} which is approximately equal to 378 s q . u n i t s \boxed{378 sq. units}

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