2 digits?

What are the last two digits of 1 7 2016 17^{2016} ?

The answer is 81.

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1 solution

We have to evaluate the given number m o d 100 mod\quad 100 . Applying Euler's Theorem as ( 17 , 100 ) = 1 (17,100)=1 and ϕ ( 100 ) = 40 \phi (100)=40 , we get that 17 40 1 ( m o d 100 ) { 17 }^{ 40 }\equiv 1(mod\quad 100) , thus, 17 2016 = ( 17 40 ) 50 17 16 1 17 16 ( m o d 100 ) { 17 }^{ 2016 }={ \left( { 17 }^{ 40 } \right) }^{ 50 }\cdot { 17 }^{ 16 }\equiv 1\cdot { 17 }^{ 16 }(mod\quad 100) . As 17 2 = 289 11 ( m o d 100 ) { 17 }^{ 2 }=289\equiv -11(mod\quad 100) , then 17 16 = ( 17 2 ) 8 ( 11 ) 8 = 11 8 ( m o d 100 ) { 17 }^{ 16 }={ ({ 17 }^{ 2 }) }^{ 8 }\equiv {( -11) }^{ 8 }={ 11 }^{ 8 }(mod\quad 100) . Note that 11 = 10 + 1 11=10+1 , thus, 1 1 8 = ( 10 + 1 ) 8 = k = 0 8 ( 8 k ) 10 8 k 1 k 11^{ 8 }={ (10+1) }^{ 8 }=\sum _{ k=0 }^{ 8 }{ \left( \begin{matrix} 8 \\ k \end{matrix} \right) { 10 }^{ 8-k }\cdot { 1 }^{ k } } , therefore, 11 8 ( 8 7 ) 10 1 1 7 + ( 8 8 ) 1 8 = 80 + 1 = 81 ( m o d 100 ) { 11 }^{ 8 }\equiv \left( \begin{matrix} 8 \\ 7 \end{matrix} \right) { 10 }^{ 1 }\cdot { 1 }^{ 7 }+\left( \begin{matrix} 8 \\ 8 \end{matrix} \right) { 1 }^{ 8 }=80+1=81(mod\quad 100) . Hence, the last two digits of the given number are 81 81 .

No you are wrong its just 9^2.

Percy 17 hax0r - 5 years ago

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Can you post your solution?

Mateo Matijasevick - 5 years ago

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