2 Miles

Algebra Level pending

If I start off at running 1 mile on the first day, and each day I run 10% more than the previous day, on which day onwards would I have run at least 2 miles?

The answer is 8.

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2 solutions

Goh Choon Aik
Jul 27, 2016

1 × 110 % = 1.1 1 \times 110 \% = 1.1

1.1 × 110 % = 1.21 1.1 \times 110 \% = 1.21

Repeat until eighth step.

1.9487171 × 110 % = 2.14358881 1.9487171 \times 110 \% = 2.14358881

Therefore the answer is 8 times.

Alex Wang
Jul 27, 2016

You just have to solve for x. 2 ( 1 + 0.1 ) x 2\le (1+0.1)^{ x }

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