Progressive Terms

Algebra Level 3

Let the first term of an arithmetic progression be 1729. Then how many arithmetic progressions are there such that all the terms are integers , the common difference is positive, and 2016 is one of the terms?

The answer is 4.

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4 solutions

Hung Woei Neoh
Jun 1, 2016

Relevant wiki: Arithmetic Progressions

Let the number of terms be n n and the common difference be d d

We know that T n = 2016 T_n = 2016

1729 + ( n 1 ) ( d ) = 2016 ( n 1 ) ( d ) = 287 ( n 1 ) ( d ) = 1 × 7 × 41 1729 + (n-1)(d) = 2016\\ (n-1)(d) = 287\\ (n-1)(d) = 1 \times 7 \times 41

Since both ( n 1 ) (n-1) and d d are positive integers, we have these possible combinations:

n 1 = 1 , d = 7 × 41 n 1 = 7 , d = 41 n 1 = 41 , d = 7 n 1 = 7 × 41 , d = 1 n-1=1,\quad d= 7 \times 41\\ n-1=7,\quad d= 41\\ n-1=41,\quad d= 7\\ n-1=7 \times 41,\quad d=1

Therefore, there are 4 \boxed{4} possible arithmetic progressions

The answer is the number of divisors of the differenze beetwen 2016 and 1729 :)

This is equivalent to solving the equation a b = 287 ab=287 over the positive integers.

The answer is hence 4.

Jun 1, 2016

We can write this like 1729 + N x D = 2016, where D is the common difference and N is the number of elements up to 2016 (excluding 1729)

So, N x D = 287.

We observe that 287 = 7 x 41.

Both 7 and 41 are prime.

So all possible combination for (N,D) are (1,287), (287,1), (7,41), (41,7).

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