Two Tangent Lines

Geometry Level 4

A B C ABC is a right triangle with B = 9 0 \angle B=90^\circ , A B = 5 AB=5 , B C = 12 BC=12 , and A B AB tangent to a circle. C P CP and C Q CQ are also tangent to the circle at P P and Q Q respectively.

If the length of chord P Q PQ is a b c \dfrac {a\sqrt b}c , where a a , b b , and c c are positive integers, with a a and c c being coprime and b b square-free, find a + b + c a+b+c .

The answer is 54.

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6 solutions

Vilakshan Gupta
Apr 27, 2020

Since A C = 13 AC=13 (By Pythagorean theorem) , let A P = x AP=x , therefore P C = x + 13 = Q C = Q B + 12 PC=x+13=QC=QB+12 which implies Q B = x + 1 QB=x+1 .

Now let the point of contact of A B AB with the circle be equal to O O . Now we know that A P = A O = x AP=AO=x and B Q = B O = x + 1 BQ=BO=x+1 , which implies x + x + 1 = 5 x = 2 = A P x+x+1=5 \implies x=2=AP . Therefore B Q = 3 BQ=3 .

Now draw a parallel line through A A to P Q PQ to cut C Q CQ at D D . Now we can see that A D Q P ADQP is an isosceles trapezium as C Q P = C P Q \angle CQP= \angle CPQ . This implies A P = D Q = 2 AP=DQ=2 . So B D = 1 BD=1 . Now again by Pythagorean theorem, we have A D = 1 2 + 5 2 = 26 AD=\sqrt{1^2+5^2}=\sqrt{26} .

Since C Q P \triangle CQP is similar to C D A \triangle CDA , we have A D P Q = C D C Q \dfrac{AD}{PQ}=\dfrac{CD}{CQ} (because sides of similar triangles are proportional) 26 P Q = 13 15 \implies \dfrac{\sqrt{26}}{PQ}=\dfrac{13}{15} . Therefore P Q = 15 26 13 PQ=\dfrac{15\sqrt{26}}{13} making the answer 54 \boxed{54} .

nice approach!

nibedan mukherjee - 1 year, 1 month ago
Vincent Huang
Apr 27, 2020

First, A C ˉ = 5 2 + 1 2 2 = 13 \bar { AC } =\sqrt {5^2+12^2}=13 .

C P Q \triangle CPQ is an isosceles triangle and A B ˉ \bar { AB} is another tangent line, so we get 2 equations.

{ A P ˉ + A C ˉ = B Q ˉ + B C ˉ A P ˉ + B Q ˉ = A B ˉ \begin{cases} \bar { AP } +\bar { AC } =\bar { BQ } +\bar { BC } \\ \bar {AP}+\bar {BQ}=\bar {AB} \end{cases}

{ A P ˉ + 13 = B Q ˉ + 12 B Q ˉ = A P ˉ + 1 A P ˉ + B Q ˉ = 5 \rightarrow \begin{cases} \bar { AP } +13=\bar { BQ } +12\rightarrow \bar { BQ }=\bar {AP }+1 \\ \bar { AP } +\bar { BQ } =5 \end{cases}

{ A P ˉ = 2 B Q ˉ = 3 \rightarrow \begin{cases} \bar { AP } =2 \\ \bar { BQ } =3 \end{cases}

According to Cosine Rule, we get

c o s A C B = 12 13 = 1 5 2 + 1 5 2 P Q ˉ 2 2 × 15 × 15 cos~ACB=\frac { 12 }{ 13 } =\frac { 15^{ 2 }+15^{ 2 }-\bar { PQ } ^{ 2 } }{ 2\times15\times15}

Therefore, P Q ˉ = 450 13 = 15 26 13 \bar { PQ } =\sqrt { \frac { 450 }{ 13 } } =\frac { 15\sqrt { 26 } }{ 13 }

So the final answer is 15 + 26 + 13 = 54 15+26+13=\boxed{54} .

You should mention in the problem that a a and c c are coprime and b b is square free.

Vilakshan Gupta - 1 year, 1 month ago
Chew-Seong Cheong
Apr 27, 2020

Let the center of the circle be O O and its radius r r . Then we note that O P C OPC is a right triangle with O C P = 1 2 C \angle OCP = \frac 12 \angle C . Since tan C = 5 12 tan O C P = 1 5 \tan C = \frac 5{12} \implies \tan \angle OCP = \frac 15 . Now C P = O P cot O C P = 5 r CP = OP\cot \angle OCP = 5r .

Let A B AB be tangent to the circle at D D . Then O D OD is perpendicular to A B AB and is parallel to CQ. Hence D O P = A = θ \angle DOP = \angle A = \theta . Since A O D \triangle AOD and A O P \triangle AOP are congruent, A O D = A O P = θ 2 \angle AOD=\angle AOP = \frac \theta 2 . Then we have:

tan A O P = A P O P = C P A C O P By Pythagorean theorem A C = 13 tan θ 2 = 5 r 13 r Since tan θ = 12 5 tan θ 2 = 2 3 2 3 = 5 r 13 r r = 3 \begin{aligned} \tan \angle AOP & = \frac {AP}{OP} = \frac {CP-\blue{AC}}{OP} & \small \blue{\text{By Pythagorean theorem }AC = 13} \\ \red{\tan \frac \theta 2} & = \frac {5r - \blue{13}}r & \small \red{\text{Since }\tan \theta = \frac {12}5 \implies \tan \frac \theta 2 = \frac 23} \\ \red{\frac 23} & = \frac {5r-13}r \\ \implies r & = 3 \end{aligned}

Therefore C P = C Q = 5 r = 15 CP=CQ = 5r = 15 and P Q = 2 C P sin C 2 = 30 26 = 15 26 13 PQ = 2CP \sin \dfrac C2 = \dfrac {30}{\sqrt{26}} = \dfrac {15\sqrt{26}}{13} . Hence a + b + c = 15 + 26 + 13 = 54 a+b+c = 15+26+13 = \boxed{54} .

Shubham Joshi
May 23, 2020

AC = 13 by Pythagoras Theorem in triangle ABC

as they are tangents then BQ=BD and AP=AD let BQ=BD=x and AP=AD=y

also CQ = CP (they are also tangents from a single point)

from the figure we see x+y = 5

and 12+x = 13+y (CQ=CP) this gives us : x-y = 1

so , x+y= 5 and x-y=1

from here we get x=3 and y = 2

hence , CQ=CP=15

now again in Triangle ABC cos Θ \cos \Theta = 12 13 \frac{12}{13}

And in Triangle PQC we apply cosine formula

so, cos Θ \cos \Theta = 225 + 225 P Q 2 2 15 15 \frac{225+225-PQ^{2}}{2*15*15} = 12 13 \frac{12}{13}

now we can solve and find PQ

Vinod Kumar
May 2, 2020

Radius of circle can be shown equal to 3, QC =PC=15 and PQ=30/(26)^0.5

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