200 Follower Problem

Call a natural number n n faithful if there exist natural numbers a < b < c a<b<c such that a b a|b , and b c b|c and n = a + b + c n=a+b+c . Find the sum of all natural numbers which are not faithful.

The answer is 65.

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1 solution

Matt Janko
Mar 2, 2021

There is an easy criterion for determining whether a positive integer is faithful.

Lemma. A positive integer n n is faithful if and only if it has a divisor a a such that n / a 1 n/a - 1 is a composite number greater than 4 4 .

Proof. By definition, a positive integer n n is faithful if and only if there exist integers a a , r r , and s s with r , s 2 r,s \geq 2 such that a + a r + a r s = n a [ 1 + r ( 1 + s ) ] = n r ( 1 + s ) = n a 1. a + ar + ars = n \iff a[1 + r(1 + s)] = n \iff r(1 + s) = \frac na - 1. Since r , s 2 r,s \geq 2 , the left side of equation on the right is simply a general representation for a composite number greater than 4 4 .

We claim that all integers n > 40 n > 40 are faithful. To show this, choose the largest value k { 0 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 } k \in \{0,1,2,3,4\} such that n = 2 k d n = 2^k d for some integer d d . If k 3 k \leq 3 , then d d is odd since otherwise we could have chosen a larger value of k k . Put a = 2 k a = 2^k , and then 1 a 1 8 d = n a > 40 8 = 5 d 1 = n a 1 > 4. \frac 1a \geq \frac 18 \implies d = \frac na > \frac {40}8 = 5 \implies d - 1 = \frac na - 1 > 4. Since d d is odd in this case, the relation on the right shows n / a 1 n/a - 1 is even and greater than 4 4 and thus composite. If instead k = 4 k = 4 , then put a = d a = d , and then n a 1 = 2 4 1 = 15 , \frac na - 1 = 2^4 - 1 = 15, which is a composite number greater than 4 4 . In either case, n / a 1 n/a - 1 is composite and greater than 4 4 , so n n is faithful based on our lemma.

Now we have shown that we only need to consider positive integers less than or equal to 40 40 to find all the non-faithful numbers, and the lemma is a convenient enough way to check for faithfulness. Nine numbers turn out not to be faithful, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 24 , \text{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, 24}, and the sum of these numbers is 65 \boxed{65} .

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