200+ followers (hard version)

Calvin thinks of a 5-digit number. He tells you the product of the digits is n n .

Knowing only that, there are exactly 200 different numbers which Calvin could have thought of.

Find the sum of all possible values of n n .

Try the easier version at here .

The answer is 25176.

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1 solution

Kyle T
Mar 7, 2019

$p = array();
$product = array_product(str_split($i));
} else {
$p[$product] = 1;
foreach($p as $key=>$val){
$v = array_keys($p);
echo array_sum($v); //25176

What's this??

Alapan Das - 2 years, 2 months ago

thats called php code my dude

Kyle T - 2 years, 2 months ago

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