200 6 2005 ! 2006^{2005}!

Find the last two digits of 200 6 2005 . 2006^{2005}.

The answer is 76.

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2 solutions

Prince Loomba
Jun 21, 2016

( 2000 + 6 ) 2005 (2000+6)^{2005} = ( 2005 0 ) {2005} \choose {0} × 6 2006 + 2000 ( X ) \times 6^{2006}+2000 (X) , that is other term will not affect last 2 digits. So last 2 digits of this will be same as last 2 digits of 6 2006 6^{2006} , which can be got by cyclicity, that is 76

good solution..+1

Ayush G Rai - 4 years, 11 months ago
Zyberg Nee
Jun 25, 2016

ϕ ( 100 ) = 40 \phi(100)=40

200 6 2005 200 6 5 6 5 = 7776 76 ( m o d 100 ) 2006^{2005} \equiv 2006^5 \equiv 6^5 = 7776 \equiv \boxed{76} \pmod{100}

i think you like euler a lot.

Ayush G Rai - 4 years, 11 months ago

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Quite a lot ;) He had always been quite a helper with number theory problems ;)

Zyberg NEE - 4 years, 11 months ago

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he sure is a genius

Ayush G Rai - 4 years, 11 months ago

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