Algebra Level 5

Let a , b , c a,b,c be the real solution of the system of equations

{ x 3 x y z = 2 y 3 x y z = 6 z 3 x y z = 20 \large \begin{cases} x^3-xyz=2 \\ y^3-xyz=6 \\ z^3-xyz=20\end{cases}

The greatest possible value of a 3 + b 3 + c 3 = m n a^3+b^3+c^3= \dfrac{m}{n} , where m m and n n are coprime positive integers. What is m + n m+n ?

167 234 158 176 204

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2 solutions

Anirudh Sreekumar
Apr 27, 2017

x 3 x y z = 2 y 3 x y z = 6 z 3 x y z = 20 Let, x y z = t x 3 = ( t + 2 ) ( 1 ) y 3 = ( t + 6 ) ( 2 ) z 3 = ( t + 20 ) ( 3 ) Multiplying, ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) ( x y z ) 3 = ( t + 2 ) ( t + 6 ) ( t + 20 ) t 3 = ( t + 2 ) ( t + 6 ) ( t + 20 ) ( t = x y z ) t 3 = t 3 + 28 t 2 + 172 t + 240 0 = 28 t 2 + 172 t + 240 0 = 7 t 2 + 43 t + 60 0 = ( 7 t 2 + 28 t ) + ( 15 t + 60 ) 0 = ( 7 t + 15 ) ( t + 4 ) t = 4 , 15 7 Adding, ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) x 3 + y 3 + z 3 = 28 + 3 t It is clear that in order to maximize the value of a 3 + b 3 + c 3 we have to maximize t t = 15 7 a 3 + b 3 + c 3 = 28 + 3 ( 15 7 ) = 196 45 7 = 151 7 m + n = 151 + 7 = 158 \begin{aligned}x^3-xyz&=2\\ y^3-xyz&=6\\ z^3-xyz&=20\\\\ \text{Let, }xyz&=t\\ x^3&=(t+2)\hspace{5mm}\color{#3D99F6}\small(1)\\ y^3&=(t+6)\hspace{5mm}\color{#3D99F6}\small(2)\\ z^3&=(t+20)\hspace{3mm}\color{#3D99F6}\small(3)\\\\ \text{Multiplying,}&\color{#3D99F6}(1),(2)\color{#333333}\text{ and }\color{#3D99F6}(3)\\ (xyz)^3&=(t+2)(t+6)(t+20)\\ t^3&=(t+2)(t+6)(t+20)\hspace{5mm}\color{#3D99F6}( t=xyz)\\ t^3&=t^3+28t^2+172t+240\\ 0&=28t^2+172t+240 \\ 0&=7t^2+43t+60\\ 0&=(7t^2+28t)+(15t+60)\\ 0&=(7t+15)(t+4)\\ \implies t&=-4,\dfrac{-15}{7}\\\\ \text{Adding,}&\color{#3D99F6}(1),(2)\color{#333333}\text{ and }\color{#3D99F6}(3)\\ x^3+y^3+z^3&=28+3t\\ \text{It is clear that}&\text{ in order to maximize the value of } a^3+b^3+c^3 \text{ we have to maximize } t\\ \implies t&=\dfrac{-15}{7}\\ a^3+b^3+c^3&=28+3\cdot\left(\dfrac{-15}{7}\right)\\ &=\dfrac{196-45}{7}\\ &=\dfrac{151}{7}\\ \implies m+n&=151+7=\color{#EC7300}\boxed{\color{#333333}158}\end{aligned}

Thank you for the logical and elegant solution.

Hana Wehbi - 4 years, 1 month ago

You’re welcome :)

Anirudh Sreekumar - 4 years, 1 month ago
Guilherme Niedu
Apr 27, 2017

Subtracting the first equation from the second:

y 3 x 3 = 4 \large \displaystyle y^3 - x^3 = 4

x = y 3 4 3 \color{#20A900} \boxed{ \large \displaystyle x = \sqrt[3]{y^3 - 4} }

Subtracting the second equation from the third:

z 3 y 3 = 14 \large \displaystyle z^3 - y^3 = 14

z = y 3 + 14 3 \color{#20A900} \boxed{ \large \displaystyle z = \sqrt[3]{ y^3 + 14} }

Plugging this two equations into the second:

y 3 [ ( y 3 4 ) ( y 3 + 14 ) 3 ] y = 6 \large \displaystyle y^3 - \left [ \sqrt[3]{(y^3 - 4)(y^3 + 14)} \right ] y = 6

y 3 6 = [ y 6 + 10 y 3 56 3 ] y \large \displaystyle y^3 - 6 = \left [ \sqrt[3]{y^6 + 10y^3 -56} \right ] y

Cubing both sides:

y 9 18 y 6 + 108 y 3 216 = y 3 ( y 6 + 10 y 3 56 ) \large \displaystyle y^9 - 18y^6 + 108y^3 - 216 = y^3 \left ( y^6 + 10y^3 -56 \right )

y 9 18 y 6 + 108 y 3 216 = y 9 + 10 y 6 56 y 3 \large \displaystyle y^9 - 18y^6 + 108y^3 - 216 = y^9 + 10y^6 -56y^3

28 y 6 164 y 3 + 216 = 0 \large \displaystyle 28y^6 - 164y^3 + 216 = 0

7 y 6 41 y 3 + 54 = 0 \color{#20A900} \boxed{ \large \displaystyle 7y^6 - 41y^3 + 54 = 0 }

y 3 = 41 ± 4 1 2 4 7 54 14 \large \displaystyle y^3 = \frac{41 \pm \sqrt{41^2 - 4\cdot 7 \ 54}}{14}

( i ) y 3 = 27 7 x 3 = 1 7 z 3 = 125 7 \large \displaystyle (i) \ y^3 = \frac{27}{7} \rightarrow x^3 = - \frac{1}{7} \rightarrow \large \displaystyle z^3 = - \frac{125}{7}


( i i ) y 3 = 2 x 3 = 2 z 3 = 16 \large \displaystyle (ii) \ y^3 = 2 \rightarrow x^3 = -2 \rightarrow z^3 = 16

( i ) (i) leads to:

a 3 + b 3 + c 3 = 151 7 \boxed{\large \displaystyle a^3+b^3 + c^3 = \frac{151}{7} }

While ( i i ) (ii) leads to:

a 3 + b 3 + c 3 = 16 \boxed{\large \displaystyle a^3+b^3 + c^3 = 16 }

So, the maximum value is:

151 7 \color{#20A900} \boxed{\large \displaystyle \frac{151}{7}}


m = 151 , n = 7 , m + n = 158 \color{#3D99F6} \large \displaystyle m = 151, n = 7, \boxed{\large \displaystyle m + n = 158}

Thank you for the logical and elegant solution. ‏‎

Hana Wehbi - 4 years, 1 month ago

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My pleasure

Guilherme Niedu - 4 years, 1 month ago

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