2015 Countdown Problem #25: 'O Christmas Tree

Algebra Level 4

‘O Christmas Tree, ‘O Christmas Tree,

Your branches green delight us!

They are green when summer days are bright,

They are green when winter snow is white.

‘O Christmas Tree, ‘O Christmas Tree,

Your branches green delight us!

A gigantic Christmas tree at the atrium of a shopping mall initially had a total of 630 candy cane and snowflake ornaments. Unfortunately a few children playing near the tree damaged the tree, resulting in the mall management removing 2 5 \frac{2}{5} of the candy cane ornaments as they are broken. As the mall management couldn’t find any replacement candy cane ornaments, they instead bought and decorated the tree with another 35 snowflake ornaments. After that, the number of snowflake ornaments the Christmas tree now had was 4 13 \frac{4}{13} the total number of ornaments the tree now had. How many more candy cane ornaments than snowflake ornaments were there at first?

Photo Credits: http://www.christmas-graphics-plus.com/free/christmas-tree-clipart.html

This problem is part of the set 2015 Countdown Problems .

The answer is 420.

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