2015 Mock AIME I Problem 1: Picking Numbers from a Hat

Algebra Level 2

David, Justin, Richard, and Palmer are demonstrating a "math magic'' concept in front of an audience. There are four boxes, labeled A, B, C, and D, and each one contains a different number. First, David pulls out the numbers in boxes A and B and reports that their product is 14 14 . Justin then claims that the product of the numbers in boxes B and C is 16 16 , and Richard states the product of the numbers in boxes C and D to be 18 18 . Finally, Palmer announces the product of the numbers in boxes D and A. If k k is the number that Palmer says, what is 20 k 20k ?

The answer is 315.

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1 solution

Julian Liu
Sep 26, 2014

We have AB = 14, BC = 16, and CD = 18.

Multiplying the first and third equations gives us A B C D = 252 ABCD = 252 , while multiplying all three equations gives us A ( B 2 ) ( C 2 ) D = 252 × 16 A(B^{2})(C^{2})D = 252 \times 16 . Therefore, we can say that 25 2 2 = 252 × 16 A B 252^{2} = 252 \times 16AB . Solving the equation gets us A B = 63 / 4 AB = 63/4 , so 20 A B 20AB is 315 \boxed{315} .

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