2015 Sum Sequences

We can represent the number 2014 2014 in various ways as the sum of positive consecutive integers:

97 + 98 + 99 + 100 + . . . + 115 = 2014 97+98+99+100+...+115=2014

502 + 503 + 504 + 505 = 2014 502+503+504+505=2014

The sum of consecutive integers with the highest number of terms that result in 2014 2014 is:

12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + . . . + 61 + 62 + 63 + 64 12+13+14+15+16+17+...+61+62+63+64

We need to add up 53 53 consecutive numbers to get 2014 2014 .

What is the highest number of positive consecutive integers that we can add to get 2015 2015 .

62 60 103 2

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1 solution

Nguyen Thanh Long
Dec 27, 2014

Suppose the sequence is: n, n+1, n+2, ..., n+m-1. So it sums to get the summary: m 2 2 + m ( 2 n 1 ) 2 2015 = 0 \frac{m^2}{2}+\frac{m(2n-1)}{2}-2015=0 This equation has a positive root is: ( 2 n 1 ) 2 4 + 2 × 2015 2 n 1 2 \sqrt{\frac{(2n-1)^2}{4}+2 \times 2015}-\frac{2n-1}{2} By checking n=1,2,3,..., easy to get n=2. So m = 62 m=\boxed{62}

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