#2015_ 15 Mathematical modelling

Algebra Level 5

A manufacturer of medicines is preparing a production plan of medicines M 1 { M }_{ 1 } and M 2 { M }_{ 2 } . There are sufficient raw materials available to make 20000 20000 bottles of M 1 { M }_{ 1 } and 40000 40000 bottles of M 2 { M }_{ 2 } , but there are only 45000 45000 bottles into which either of the medicines can be put. Further , it takes 3 h o u r s 3 hours to prepare enough material to fill 1000 1000 bottles of M 1 { M }_{ 1 } , it takes 1 h o u r 1 hour to prepare enough material to fill 1000 1000 bottles of M 2 { M }_{ 2 } and there are 66 66 hours available for this operation. The profit is R s 8 Rs 8 per bottle for M 1 { M }_{ 1 } and R s 7 Rs 7 per bottle for M 2 { M }_{ 2 } . What is the maximum profit he can achieve?

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The answer is 325500.

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