New Year Percentage?

Algebra Level 1

2016 % × 2015 2016 = ? 2016 \%\times \frac{2015}{2016}= \, ?

2015 % 2015 \% 2016 % 2016 \% 2015 2016 \frac{2015}{2016} 2016 2015 \frac{2016}{2015}

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3 solutions

Julius Adrian
Jan 5, 2016

2016% can be written as 2016 100 \frac{2016}{100}

2016 100 \frac{2016}{100} × \times 2015 2016 \frac{2015}{2016}

= 2015 100 \frac{2015}{100} = 20.15 = 2015%

But you missed a step, you know that step but your not showing it is 2016/2016😊😊

Harsh Chaudhari - 1 year, 8 months ago

2016% is 2016 100 \frac{2016}{100} then 2016% of 2015 2016 \frac{2015}{2016} is 2016 100 \frac{2016}{100} x 2015 2016 \frac{2015}{2016} that is equal to 2015 100 \frac{2015}{100} equal to 2015%.

Mash Religion
Dec 8, 2017

This is really very easy, 2016 = 2016, so we can cross out those 2016's, easy peasy! After that, we have 2015 left all alone, but where did that % go? Let's put it on the 2015! The answer is 2015%! Yay!!! That was super easy peasy! ( and FAST!)

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