2016 is absolutely awesome 11

Mary starts with one standard die on a table.

At each step, she rolls all the dice on the table: if all of them show a 6 on top, then she places one more die on the table; otherwise, she does nothing more on this step.

Let D D be the number of dice on the table after 2016 such steps.

What is the expected value (average value) of 6 D 6^D ?

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The answer is 10086.

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2 solutions

For every nonnegative integer n n , let D n D_n be the number of dice on the table after n n steps.

At the start, D 0 = 1 D_0 = 1 .

Given D n D_n , we are told that D n + 1 D_{n +1} is D n + 1 D_n + 1 with probability 6 D n 6^{-D_n} and is D n D_n otherwise.

Hence the expected value of 6 D n + 1 6^{D_{n +1}} , given D n D_n , is

E(6^{D_{n +1}}\mid D_n) = 6^{-D_n}. 6^{D_n +1}+(1 - 6^{-D_n}).6^{D_n} = 6^{D_n} + 5 .

Averaging over D n D_n shows that E ( 6 D n + 1 ) = E ( E ( 6 D n + 1 D n ) ) = E ( 6 D n + 5 ) = E ( 6 D n ) + 5 E(6^{D_{n +1}}) = E(E(6^{D_{n +1}}\mid D_n)) = E(6^{D_n} + 5) = E(6^{D_n}) + 5 .

Each expected value is 5 5 more than the previous one, so we have:

E ( 6 D 2016 ) = E ( 6 D 0 ) + 2016.5 = E ( 6 1 ) + 10080 = 6 + 10080 = 10086 E(6^{D_{2016}}) = E(6^{D_0}) + 2016. 5 = E(6^1) + 10080 = 6 + 10080 = \boxed{10086} .

Ah, nice application of the Law of Iterated Expectation .

Calvin Lin Staff - 5 years, 5 months ago
Nicola Mignoni
Feb 8, 2019

Let be P n , d P_{n,d} the probability of having d d , 1 d n + 1 1 \leq d \leq n+1 , dices at step n n . It follows that

P n , d = { P n 1 , d 6 d 1 6 d + P n 1 , d 1 1 6 d 1 , for 1 d n 1 6 n ( n + 1 ) / 2 , for d = n + 1 \displaystyle P_{n,d}=\begin{cases} P_{n-1,d}\cdot \frac{6^d-1}{6^d}+P_{n-1,d-1}\cdot \frac{1}{6^{d-1}}, & \mbox{for} \ 1 \leq d \leq n \\ \frac{1}{6^{n(n+1)/2}}, & \mbox{for} \ d=n+1 \end{cases}

So, the expected value of 6 d 6^d after n n steps is

E n = d = 1 n + 1 6 d P n , d = d = 1 n 6 d P n , d + 6 n + 1 6 n ( n + 1 ) / 2 \displaystyle E_n=\sum_{d=1}^{n+1} 6^d P_{n,d} = \sum_{d=1}^{n} 6^d P_{n,d} + \frac{6^{n+1}}{6^{n(n+1)/2}}

If we expand the last sum and substitute P n , d P_{n,d} , we get

d = 1 n 6 d P n , d = d = 1 n [ P n 1 , d ( 6 d 1 ) + 6 P n 1 , d 1 ] = d = 1 n 6 d P n 1 , d d = 1 n P n 1 , d + 6 d = 1 n P n 1 , d 1 = E n 1 1 + 6 ( 1 1 6 ( n 1 ) n / 2 ) \displaystyle \sum_{d=1}^{n} 6^d P_{n,d}=\sum_{d=1}^{n}\bigg[ P_{n-1,d}\cdot (6^d-1)+6P_{n-1,d-1}\bigg]=\sum_{d=1}^{n} 6^d P_{n-1,d}-\sum_{d=1}^{n} P_{n-1,d} + 6\sum_{d=1}^{n} P_{n-1,d-1}=E_{n-1}-1+6\bigg(1-\frac{1}{6^{(n-1)n/2}}\bigg)


E n = E n 1 + 5 6 6 n ( n 1 ) / 2 + 6 n + 1 6 n ( n + 1 ) / 2 \displaystyle E_n=E_{n-1}+5-\frac{6}{6^{n(n-1)/2}}+\frac{6^{n+1}}{6^{n(n+1)/2}}

Given that E 0 = 6 E_0=6 , solving the recurrence we get

E n = 5 n + 6 \displaystyle E_n=5n+6


E 2016 = 5 2016 + 6 = 10086 \displaystyle E_{2016}=5\cdot 2016+6=\boxed{10086}

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