2016 Set Operations Problem

Find the least integer N N such that if any 2016 elements are removed from the set { 1 , 2 , , N } \{1, 2,\ldots,N\} , one can still find 2016 distinct numbers among the remaining elements with sum N N .

The answer is 6097392.

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1 solution

Brandon Chen
Jun 28, 2016

Since any 2016 elements are removed, suppose we remove the integers from 1 to 2016. Then the smallest possible sum of 2016 of the remaining elements is 2017 + 2018 + + 4032 = 1008 6049 = 6097392 2017+2018+\cdots + 4032 = 1008 \cdot 6049 = 6097392 so clearly N 6097392 N\ge 6097392 . We will show that N = 6097392 N=6097392 works.

1 , 2 6097392 1,2\cdots 6097392 contains the integers from 1 to 6048, so pair these numbers as follows:

1 , 6048 1, 6048

2 , 6047 2, 6047

3 , 6046 3, 6046


3024 , 3025 3024, 3025

When we remove any 2016 integers from the set 1 , 2 N 1,2\cdots N , clearly we can remove numbers from at most 2016 of the 3024 pairs above, leaving at least 1008 complete pairs. To get a sum of N, simply take these 1008 pairs, all of which sum to 6049. The sum of these 2016 elements is 1008 6049 = 6097392 1008 \cdot 6049 = 6097392 , as desired.

We have shown that N must be at least 6097392, and that this value is attainable. Therefore our answer is 6097392.

Don't understand why N>=6097392 why can't you remove the integers from 2017 to 4032 to say N>=2033136?

Toby Griffiths - 4 years, 11 months ago

Nice. :)

I used induction to show the N 6097392 N \le 6097392 part, but it definitely wasn't as simple and straightforward as your argument.

Peter Byers - 4 years, 9 months ago

false answer. (suppose we remove the integers from 1 to 2016.) this statement is false. because you are searching the smallest Integer. you should suppose that from 1 to 2016 are not removed. then the answer would be 2033136

Omar Hamdan - 4 years, 11 months ago

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