2017th Lucky Number

A Lucky Number is a positive integer whose digits, in base-10 notation, are only 4 or 7.

Find the number of occurrences of the digit 7 in base-10 notation of the 201 7 th 2017^\text{th} smallest Lucky Number .

The answer is 6.

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1 solution

Deeparaj Bhat
Jan 1, 2017

Consider the following (recursive) map f f from the set of all lucky numbers (represented as strings) to string of binary numbers :

f ( 4 x ) = 0 f ( x ) f ( 7 x ) = 1 f ( x ) f ( 4 ) = 0 f ( 7 ) = 1 f(4x) = \,'0'f(x) \\ f(7x) = \,'1'f(x) \\ f(4) =\, '0' \\ f(7) =\, '1'

For example, f ( 47 ) = 0 f ( 7 ) = 0 1 f(47) =\, '0'f(7) =\, '01' . Note that f f is both bijective and order preserving (assuming lexicographic ordering for strings).

Also, note that number of binary strings of length less than n n are r = 1 n 1 2 r = 2 n 2 \sum_{r = 1}^{n - 1} 2^r = 2^n - 2

So, if k k is the length of f ( 2017th smallest Lucky number ) f(\text{2017th smallest Lucky number}) , then 2 k 2 2017 and 2 k + 1 2 > 2017 k = 10 2^k - 2 \leq 2017 \text{ and } 2^{k + 1} - 2 > 2017 \implies k = 10

Hence, 2017th Lucky number = f 1 ( binary representation of { 2017 ( 2 10 2 ) 1 } ) = f 1 ( 111110010 0 ) = 7777744744 \text{ 2017th Lucky number } = f^{-1} (\text{ binary representation of } \{2017 - (2^{10} - 2) -1\}) = f^{-1} ('1111100100') = 7777744744

Facepalm-ed when I entered the number and not the number of 7's, sigh

Razzi Masroor - 4 years, 5 months ago

It's the same idea I had. Thanks!

Muhammad Rasel Parvej - 4 years, 5 months ago

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