2018 again? #3

Number Theory Level pending

To a number I subtract the sum of its digits, and of the resulting number I extract a digit in such a way that the sum of the remaining digits of the resulting number is 2018. What digit have I extracted?

1 5 0 7 3 6 4 2

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1 solution

Vilakshan Gupta
Feb 12, 2018

Let the number be n n and let its sum of digits is denoted by S ( n ) S(n) , then we have that n S ( n ) n - S(n) is divisible by 9 9 .

According to the question, if you extract one number from it, the sum of its digits is 2018 2018 , therefore we must have an integer 0 x 9 0 \le x \le 9 such that 2018 + x 2018+x is divisible by 9 9 .

We see that the only such number is 7 \boxed{7} , since 2025 2025 is divisible by 9 9 .


Guillermo Templado - 3 years, 3 months ago

0 pending reports


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