2018 again

What is the 201 8 t h 2018^{th} number in the sequence 201820182018201820182018201820182018..... 201820182018201820182018201820182018..... ?

8 1 2 0

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3 solutions

Marta Reece
Jan 9, 2018

2018 divided by 4 gives remainder of 2. Second number is 0.

Could you explain how dividing by four has anything to do with finding the n n th number in the sequence?

Blan Morrison - 3 years, 5 months ago

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Because in the given number, the numbers 2,0,1,8 repeat after every 4 places.

Akshat Sharda - 3 years, 5 months ago
Blan Morrison
Jan 10, 2018

First, let's factor 2018 into 2 × 1009 2\times1009 . Since 2018 is a multiple of 2, we know that the 201 8 th 2018^{\text{th}} number in the sequence must be either 0 or 8. It is either 0 or 8 because they are always the 2 n th 2n^{\text{th}} number in the sequence.

Because we know it is either 0 or 8, we can simplify this problem to:

What is the 100 9 th 1009^{\text{th}} number in this sequence: 080808080808...?

Since 1009 is odd, that means it has to be 0 \boxed{0} , because 0 is always the 2 n + 1 th 2n+1^{\text{th}} number in the sequence.

Jovan Boh Jo En
Jan 16, 2018

In the sequence 20182018201820182018... the pattern continues by writing 2,0,1,8 in order. That means after 4 numbers the pattern will repeat. To find the 2018th number, we must group every pattern 2, 0, 1, 8 until the 2018th number. That means we must divide 2018 by 4, which gives an answer of 504 remainder 2. That means there are 504 patterns and 2 numbers until the 2018th number. The two numbers are the first two numbers in pattern:2 and 0. The 2018th digit is the last digit, so it should be 0.

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