2018 Mystic cevians

Geometry Level 5

Let H H be the orthocentre and O O the circumcentre of a triangle A B C ABC with the length of side B C BC equal to 2018 2018 . Cevians are constructed from vertices B B and C C so as to be tangent to γ \gamma , the circle passing through A A and H H and congruent to the circle centred at O O and tangent to B C BC .

Let the cevians through B B and C C touch the circle γ \gamma at T T and U U respectively. If B T BT and C U CU are of integer lengths, what is their sum?

The answer is 2798.

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2 solutions

Mark Hennings
Aug 23, 2018

Neither Maria's proof nor the proof in the previous problem explain why we obtain the Pythagorean triples needed. Let us see how to solve the equation m 2 + n 2 = 201 8 2 m^2 + n^2 = 2018^2 for m , n N m,n \in \mathbb{N} . We need to solve ( m + i n ) ( m i n ) = 2 2 × 100 9 2 = ( 1 + i ) 4 ( 28 + 15 i ) 2 ( 28 15 i ) 2 (m + in)(m - in) \; = \; 2^2 \times 1009^2 \; = \; -(1 + i)^4(28 + 15i)^2(28-15i)^2 where 1 + i 1 + i and 28 + 15 i 28 + 15i are irreducible in the Euclidean domain Z [ i ] \mathbb{Z}[i] . These numbers are irreducible because N ( 1 + i ) = 2 N(1+i) = 2 and N ( 28 + 15 i ) = 1009 N(28+15i) = 1009 are prime numbers, where N ( a + b i ) = a 2 + b 2 N(a+bi) = a^2 + b^2 is the distance function in Z [ i ] \mathbb{Z}[i] . If u Z [ i ] u \in \mathbb{Z}[i] is a prime factor of m + i n m + in , then its complex conjugate u u^\star must be a factor of m i n m - in .

This means that there are two options. Either m + n i m + ni is a unit in Z [ i ] \mathbb{Z}[i] times ( 1 + i ) 2 ( 28 + 15 i ) ( 28 15 i ) = 2018 i (1+i)^2(28+15i)(28-15i) = 2018i , or else m + n i m + ni is a unit in Z [ i ] \mathbb{Z}[i] times ( 1 + i ) 2 ( 28 + 15 i ) 2 = 1680 + 1118 i (1+i)^2(28 + 15i)^2 = -1680 + 1118 i . Thus either { m , n } = { 2018 , 0 } \{m,n\} = \{2018,0\} , or else { m , n } = { 1680 , 1118 } \{m,n\} = \{1680,1118\} . Only the second solution is physically reasonable for this problem.

Thank you for the number theory part of the solution. As I recall I presented partial solution to this problem as a byproduct of the solution to the Trirectangular Corner Locus problem using vectors. Following the solution using vectors in 3D we get A B 2 = A H × A D + B H × B E AB^2 = AH\times AD + BH \times BE - another take on Pythagorean. E E is a foot of altitude from B B on A C AC

Maria Kozlowska - 2 years, 9 months ago

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Yes Maria now you are right.

D K - 2 years, 9 months ago
Maria Kozlowska
Aug 22, 2018

This problem is inspired by and is a copy of Mystic cevians problem from 4 years ago. Please refer to the solution to that problem for the full solution. Please check my related note Generalization of Pythagorean Theorem with Orthocentre .

In this case we are looking for two numbers which will form a Pythagorean Triple with hypotenuse 2018. They are 1680 and 1118. Using power of point we get:

B T 2 = B H × B E BT^2 = BH \times BE C U 2 = C H × C F CU^2 = CH \times CF

The formulas are: B T 2 = c 2 b 2 + a 2 2 BT^2 = \dfrac{c^2-b^2+a^2}{2} C U 2 = b 2 c 2 + a 2 2 CU^2 = \dfrac{b^2-c^2+a^2}{2}

where E , F E,F are feet of the altitudes from B , C B,C respectively.

One example of such triangle side lengths is: b = 2938.5 , c = 2657.5 b=2938.5, c=2657.5

Note: A H AH is a diameter of the circle stated in the problem. The circle passes through the points E , F E,F .

You can check my solution to the Trirectangular Corner Locus problem using vectors. Following the solution using vectors in 3D we get A B 2 = A H × A D + B H × B E AB^2 = AH\times AD + BH \times BE - another take on Pythagorean. E E is a foot of altitude from B B on A C AC

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