2018 times

Calculus Level 4

1 ( x 2 + 1 ) 2018 d x \large{\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \dfrac{1}{\,(x^2+1)^{2018}}\,dx} If the value of the above integral can be expressed as a ! π ( b c c ! ) b \dfrac{\, a! \cdot \pi }{\,(b^{c}\cdot c!)^b} , for some positive integers a , b a,b and c c where b b is prime. Find the largest value of a + b + c a+b+c .


The answer is 6053.

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2 solutions

Chew-Seong Cheong
Aug 22, 2018

Relevant wiki: Beta Function

I = 1 ( x 2 + 1 ) 2018 d x Since the integrand is even = 2 0 1 ( 1 + x 2 ) n + 1 d x Let n = 2017 = 0 u 1 2 ( 1 + u ) n + 1 d x Let u = x 2 d u = 2 x d x = B ( 1 2 , 2 n + 1 2 ) Beta function B ( j , k ) = 0 u j 1 ( 1 + u ) j + k = Γ ( 1 2 ) Γ ( 2 n + 1 2 ) Γ ( n + 1 ) B ( j , k ) = Γ ( j ) Γ ( k ) Γ ( j + k ) = π ( ( 2 n 1 ) ! ! 2 n π ) n ! where Γ ( ) is the gamma function. = ( 2 n ) ! π ( 2 n n ! ) 2 As ( 2 n 1 ) ! ! = ( 2 n ) ! 2 n n ! \begin{aligned} I & = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \frac 1{(x^2+1)^{2018}}\ dx & \small \color{#3D99F6} \text{Since the integrand is even} \\ & = 2\int_0^\infty \frac 1{(1+x^2)^{n+1}}\ dx & \small \color{#3D99F6} \text{Let }n = 2017 \\ & = \int_0^\infty \frac {u^{-\frac 12}}{(1+u)^{n+1}}\ dx & \small \color{#3D99F6} \text{Let }u = x^2 \implies du = 2x \ dx \\ & = B \left(\frac 12, \frac {2n+1}2\right) & \small \color{#3D99F6} \text{Beta function }B(j,k) = \int_0^\infty \frac {u^{j-1}}{(1+u)^{j+k}} \\ & = \frac {\Gamma \left(\frac 12 \right)\Gamma \left(\frac {2n+1}2 \right)}{\Gamma (n+1)} & \small \color{#3D99F6} B(j,k) = \frac {\Gamma(j)\Gamma(k)}{\Gamma(j+k)} \\ & = \frac {\sqrt \pi \left(\frac {(2n-1)!!}{2^n}\sqrt \pi \right)}{n!} & \small \color{#3D99F6} \text{where }\Gamma(\cdot) \text{ is the gamma function.} \\ & = \frac {(2n)!\pi}{\left(2^nn!\right)^2} & \small \color{#3D99F6} \text{As } (2n-1)!! = \frac {(2n)!}{2^n n!} \end{aligned}

Therefore, a + b + c = 2 n + 2 + n = 3 ( 2017 ) + 2 = 6053 a+b+c = 2n+2+n = 3(2017) + 2 = \boxed{6053} .

Naren Bhandari
Aug 21, 2018

Before to evaluate let's reduce the integral in the form of I n = 1 ( a 2 + x 2 ) n + 1 d x n N . I_n =\int \dfrac{1}{\,(a^2+x^2)^{n+1} }\,dx\qquad \forall n \in\mathbb N\,. Here we will integrate it by parts so let us make u u substitution as u = 1 ( a 2 + x 2 ) n u = \dfrac{1}{\,(a^2+x^2)^n} and d v = d u \,dv =\,du which follows as d u = 2 n x d x ( a 2 + x 2 ) n + 1 \,du = -\dfrac{2n x\,dx}{\,(a^2+x^2)^{n+1}} and v = x v=x . Hence, I n = x ( a 2 + x 2 ) n + 2 n x 2 ( a 2 + x 2 ) n + 1 d x = x ( a 2 + x 2 ) + 2 n a 2 + x 2 a 2 ( a 2 + x 2 ) n + 1 = x ( a 2 + x 2 ) + 2 n I n 2 n a 2 I n + 1 I n + 1 = 1 2 n a 2 x ( a 2 + x 2 ) n + 2 n 1 2 n a 2 I n \begin{aligned} I_n & = \dfrac{x}{\,(a^2+x^2)^n } +2n \int\dfrac{x^2}{\,(a^2+x^2)^{n+1}}\,dx \\& = \dfrac{x}{\,(a^2+x^2)}+ 2n\int \dfrac{\,a^2+x^2-a^2}{\,(a^2+x^2)^{n+1} } \\& = \dfrac{x}{\,(a^2+x^2)}+2nI_n -2na^2I_{n+1} \\ \therefore I_{n+1}& =\dfrac{1}{2na^2} \cdot \dfrac{x}{\,(a^2+x^2)^n}+\dfrac{2n-1}{2na^2} \cdot I_n\end{aligned} Set n = 2017 n=2017 and a = 1 a=1 we obtain I 2018 = 1 4036 x ( 1 + x 2 ) 2018 + 4033 4034 I 2017 I_{2018} = \dfrac{1}{4036} \cdot \dfrac{x}{\,(1+x^2)^{2018}}+\dfrac{4033}{4034} \cdot I_{2017} Now setting limits from -\infty to \infty We obtain the following I 2018 = 0 + 4033 4032 I 2017 = 0 + 4033 4031 4034 4032 I 2016 = 0 + 4033 4031 1 4036 4034 2 I 1 = ( 4033 ) ! ! ( 4034 ) ! ! π \begin{aligned} \int_{-\infty}^{\infty} I_{2018} & =0+\dfrac{4033}{4032}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} I_{2017} = 0 +\dfrac{4033\cdot 4031}{4034\cdot 4032}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} I_{2016 } \\& = 0 +\dfrac{4033\cdot 4031\cdots 1}{4036\cdot 4034\cdots 2 }\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} I_1 =\dfrac{\,(4033)!!}{(4034)!!}\pi\end{aligned} Since ( 2 n 1 ) ! ! ( 2 n ) ! ! = ( 2 n ) ! ( 2 n n ! ) 2 = 4034 ! π ( 2 2017 2017 ! ) 2 \dfrac{\,(2n-1)!!}{(2n)!!} = \dfrac{(2n)!}{(2^n n!)^2}=\dfrac{4034!\cdot \pi}{\,(2^{2017} \cdot 2017!)^2} Thus, a + b + c = 4034 + 2017 + 2 = 6053 a+b+c =4034+2017+2=\boxed{6053} .

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