2019 SMC Problem 24

Algebra Level 1

The numbers x x , y y and z z are given by { x = 12 3 7 12 + 3 7 y = 7 4 3 7 + 4 3 z = 2 + 3 2 3 \begin{cases} x=\sqrt{12-3\sqrt7}-\sqrt{12+3\sqrt7} \\ y=\sqrt{7-4\sqrt3}-\sqrt{7+4\sqrt3} \\ z=\sqrt{2+\sqrt3}-\sqrt{2-\sqrt3} \end{cases}

What is the value of x y z xyz ?

The answer is 12.

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2 solutions

Chew-Seong Cheong
Jul 16, 2020

x = 12 3 7 12 + 3 7 Note that x < 0 = ( 12 + 3 7 12 3 7 ) = ( 12 + 3 7 12 3 7 ) 2 = 12 + 3 7 2 1 2 2 ( 3 7 ) 2 + 12 3 7 = 24 2 × 9 = 6 \begin{aligned} x & = \sqrt{12-3\sqrt7} - \sqrt{12+3\sqrt 7} & \small \blue{\text{Note that }x < 0} \\ & = - \left(\sqrt{12+3\sqrt7} - \sqrt{12-3\sqrt 7} \right) \\ & = - \sqrt{\left(\sqrt{12+3\sqrt 7} - \sqrt{12-3\sqrt 7}\right)^2} \\ & = - \sqrt{12+3\sqrt 7 - 2\sqrt{12^2 - (3\sqrt 7)^2} + 12 - 3\sqrt 7} \\ & = - \sqrt{24-2 \times 9} = - \sqrt 6 \end{aligned}

Similarly, y = 7 4 3 7 + 4 3 = 2 × 7 2 49 16 × 3 = 12 y = \sqrt{7-4\sqrt 3} - \sqrt{7+4\sqrt 3} = - \sqrt{2 \times 7-2\sqrt{49-16 \times 3}} = - \sqrt{12} and z = 2 + 3 2 3 = 2 × 2 2 4 3 = 2 z = \sqrt{2+\sqrt 3} - \sqrt{2-\sqrt 3} = \sqrt{2\times 2-2\sqrt{4-3}} = \sqrt 2 .

Therefore x y z = 6 ( 12 ) ( 2 ) = 12 xyz = \sqrt{-6 (-12)(2)} = \boxed{12} .

Sir, I don't understand how to proceed from first line to second one. Can you please help me? Thanks!

Vinayak Srivastava - 11 months ago

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We note that x < 0 x < 0 , because 12 3 7 12 + 3 7 < 0 \sqrt{12-3\sqrt 7} - \sqrt{12 + 3\sqrt 7} < 0 . Let 12 3 7 12 + 3 7 = a \sqrt{12-3\sqrt 7} - \sqrt{12 + 3\sqrt 7} = - a , where a a is a positive real. Then x = a = a 2 x = - a = - \sqrt {a^2} . Because a 2 = a \sqrt{a^2} = a . I have changed my solution to give better explanation.

Chew-Seong Cheong - 11 months ago
Adhiraj Dutta
Jul 15, 2020

x x , y y and z z are of the form a b a + b \sqrt{a-b} - \sqrt{a+b} for some a a and b b . Squaring, we get ( a b ) + ( a + b ) 2 ( a b ) ( a + b ) = 2 a + a 2 b 2 (a-b)+(a+b) - 2\sqrt{(a-b)(a+b)} = 2a + \sqrt{a^2-b^2} So x 2 = 6 y 2 = 12 z 2 = 2 x 2 y 2 z 2 = 144 \begin{aligned} x^2 &= 6 \\ y^2 &= 12 \\ z^2 &= 2 \\ \implies x^2y^2z^2 &= 144\end{aligned}

From the initial expression we have x < 0 y < 0 z > 0 x y z > 0 x y z = 12 \begin{aligned} x&<0 \\ y&<0 \\ z&>0 \\ \implies xyz &> 0 \\ \therefore xyz &= 12 \end{aligned}

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