#21 of Sept 2017 Grade 10 CSAT (Korean SAT) Mock test

Geometry Level 5

Triangle A B C ABC has side lengths A B = 2 3 \overline{AB}=2\sqrt{3} and B C = 2 , \overline{BC}=2, as shown. D D is the midpoint of B C , \overline{BC}, satisfying A D = 7 . \overline{AD}=\sqrt{7}.

Let E E be the point of intersection between A B \overline{AB} and the bisector of A C B . \angle ACB. C E \overline{CE} meets with A D \overline{AD} at point P , P, and the bisector of A P E \angle APE meets with A B \overline{AB} at point R . R. An extension of P R \overline{PR} meets with B C \overline{BC} at point Q . Q.

Given that the area of P Q C \triangle PQC is a + b 7 a+b\sqrt{7} times larger than that of P R E \triangle PRE for some rational numbers a a and b , b, find the value of a b . ab.

This problem is a part of <Grade 10 CSAT Mock Test> series .

The answer is -16.

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3 solutions

Boi (보이)
Sep 16, 2017

A C = 2 , \overline{AC}=2, and therefore A B C \triangle ABC is an isosceles triangle, leading to B E = A E = 3 \overline{BE}=\overline{AE}=\sqrt{3} and C E = 1. \overline{CE}=1.

Since C E \overline{CE} and A D \overline{AD} are both midlines of A B C , \triangle ABC, P E = 1 3 , \overline{PE}=\dfrac{1}{3}, P C = 2 3 , \overline{PC}=\dfrac{2}{3}, P A = 2 7 3 , \overline{PA}=\dfrac{2\sqrt{7}}{3}, and P D = 7 3 . \overline{PD}=\dfrac{\sqrt{7}}{3}. P P is the centroid of A B C . \triangle ABC.

Q R \overline{QR} bisects A P E \angle APE and C P D , \angle CPD, so we know that

R A : R E = P A : P E = 2 7 : 1 , \overline{RA}:\overline{RE}=\overline{PA}:\overline{PE}=2\sqrt{7}:1, and Q D : Q C = P D : P C = 7 : 2. \overline{QD}:\overline{QC}=\overline{PD}:\overline{PC}=\sqrt{7}:2.

Then, P R E = 1 2 7 + 1 A P E , \triangle PRE=\dfrac{1}{2\sqrt{7}+1}\triangle APE, and P Q C = 2 2 + 7 C P D . \triangle PQC=\dfrac{2}{2+\sqrt{7}}\triangle CPD.

A P E = C P D \triangle APE=\triangle CPD from P P being the centroid, and therefore,

a + b 7 = 2 2 + 7 1 2 7 + 1 = 2 ( 2 7 + 1 ) 7 + 2 = 2 ( 2 7 + 1 ) ( 7 2 ) 3 = 2 ( 12 3 7 ) 3 = 8 2 7 . \begin{aligned} a+b\sqrt{7} &=\dfrac{\dfrac{2}{2+\sqrt{7}}}{\dfrac{1}{2\sqrt{7}+1}} \\ \\ &=\dfrac{2(2\sqrt{7}+1)}{\sqrt{7}+2} \\ \\ &=\dfrac{2(2\sqrt{7}+1)(\sqrt{7}-2)}{3} \\ \\ &=\dfrac{2(12-3\sqrt{7})}{3} \\ \\ &=8-2\sqrt{7}. \end{aligned}

a b = 8 ( 2 ) = 16 . \therefore \, ab=8\cdot(-2)=\boxed{-16}.

Hi! Thanks for this problem. I have only one question, how do you get that AC=2? Thank you.

Jose Dehilario - 3 years, 8 months ago

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You can use the Apollonius' Theorem to figure it out!

Boi (보이) - 3 years, 8 months ago

by appolonis theorem

shalini suran - 1 month, 2 weeks ago
Me Myself
Sep 26, 2017

Here's my horribly messy solution.

First, let us find AC. I haven't heard of Apollonius' theorem before checking H.M.'s solution, so I did something else.

Notice how S Δ A B D = S Δ A C D S_{\Delta ABD}=S_{\Delta ACD} (as AD is a median they have the same base, and the height from A is the same for both). Thus, we can use Heron's formula to deduce that:

( 1 + 12 + 7 ) 2 2 ( 1 + 49 + 144 ) = ( 1 + 7 + A C 2 ) 2 2 ( 1 + 49 + A C 4 ) (1+12+7)^2-2(1+49+144)=(1+7+AC^2)^2-2(1+49+AC^4)

A C 4 16 A C 2 + 48 = 0 AC^4-16AC^2+48=0

( A C 2 8 ) 2 = 16 (AC^2-8)^2=16

A C 2 = 8 ± 4 AC^2=8\pm 4

A C = 2 o r 2 3 AC=2\ or\ 2\sqrt{3}

The second solution doesn't work as the length of AD should be 11 \sqrt{11} by the Pythagorean theorem . Thus, A C = 2 AC=2 and the triangle is isosceles, so CE is also a median and a height and by the Pythagorean theorem C E = 1 CE=1 . By P being the centroid , C P = 2 3 , E P = 1 3 , D P = 7 3 A P = 2 7 3 CP=\frac{2}{3},\ EP=\frac{1}{3},\ DP=\frac{\sqrt{7}}{3}\,\ AP=\frac{2\sqrt{7}}{3} .

Lets denote D P C = A P E = θ \angle DPC=\angle APE=\theta . Now see that S Δ D P C = D P C P s i n θ 2 = 7 s i n θ 9 = E P A P s i n θ 2 = S Δ A P E S_{\Delta DPC}=\frac{DP·CP·sin\theta}{2}=\frac{\sqrt{7} sin\theta}{9}=\frac{EP·AP·sin\theta}{2}=S_{\Delta APE} , which we'll denote S S .

By the angle bisector theorem C Q = C P C P + D P C D = 2 2 + 7 C D CQ=\frac{CP}{CP+DP}CD=\frac{2}{2+\sqrt{7}}CD , and similarly E R = 1 1 + 2 7 ER=\frac{1}{1+2\sqrt{7}} .

Now S Δ Q P C = S Δ D P C 2 2 + 7 = S Δ E P A 2 2 + 7 = S Δ E P R 2 2 + 7 ( 1 + 2 7 ) = S Δ E P R ( 8 2 7 ) S_{\Delta QPC}=S_{\Delta DPC} \frac{2}{2+\sqrt{7}} = S_{\Delta EPA} \frac{2}{2+\sqrt{7}} = S_{\Delta EPR} \frac{2}{2+\sqrt{7}}(1+2\sqrt{7})= S_{\Delta EPR}(8-2\sqrt{7}) .

Thus, a b = 8 ( 2 ) = 16 ab=8·(-2)=-16 .

P.S. I think this is horribly hard for 10th graders. Ah well, maybe korean 10th graders are tougher than this.

Aug 4, 2018

Did same as me myself.But this has much toughness in it compared to class 10 graders.This maybe for the maths Olympiads enthusiasts instead.

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