Two squared equals to three

Logic Level 3

T W O 2 = T H R E E \overline{\mathsf{TWO}}^2 = \overline{\mathsf{THREE}}

Solve the cryptarithm above and find the value of T + W + H + R \mathsf{T} + \mathsf{W} + \mathsf{H} + \mathsf{R} .


  • T , W , H , R T,W,H,R are each distinct integers { 0 , 9 } \in \{0,\ldots9\} .
This problem is from my set Numbers in Disguise - Cryptarithms .

The answer is 13.

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4 solutions

T W O 2 = T H R E E \overline { TWO } ^{ 2 }\quad =\quad \overline { THREE }

For the above cryptarithm to be true, T can only be 1. But if W is 4 or larger, the above cryptarithm is also untrue. Therefore, W can either be 2 or 3. Let W = 2 and trying out O from 0, 3 to 9., there is no solution. For W =3, it is found that O = 8 gives the solution.

13 8 2 = 19044 138^{2} = 19044

Therefore, T=1, W=3, H=9 and R=0 and

T + W + H + R = 1 + 3 + 9 + 0 = 13 T+W+H+R = 1+3+9+0 = \boxed{13}

Sir, can you explain your conjectures? I am unable to comprehend them.

Raven Herd - 6 years, 3 months ago
Tom Van Lier
Oct 21, 2015

There is something wrong with the statement of the problem. It says that T,W,H and R are distinct integers. Not what E and O are.

Therefor, 140² = 19600 is also a right solution as is 130² = 16900. In both cases T,W, H and R are distinct integers. O and E aren't but that isn't required.

Ameya Salankar
May 1, 2014

The cryptarithm is:

13 8 2 = 19044 138^2 = 19044

& the value of T + W + H + R = 1 + 3 + 9 + 0 = 13 \mathsf{T} + \mathsf{W} + \mathsf{H} + \mathsf{R} = 1 + 3 + 9 + 0 = \boxed{13} .

I solve it for T W O = 138 \overline {TWO} =138 but why T W O 2 = 11 2 2 = 12544 = T H R E E \overline {TWO^{2}}=112^{2}=12544=\overline {THREE} is incorrect? There wasn't any condition says H O \overline {H} \neq \overline {O}

Mahdi Al-kawaz - 7 years, 1 month ago

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@Mahdi Al-kawaz , in a cryptarithm, a number is denoted by a fixed letter which never changes in a given problem.

This would mean that H O \mathsf{H} \neq \mathsf{O} .

Ameya Salankar - 7 years, 1 month ago

Neither can W=T

Guiseppi Butel - 7 years, 1 month ago

How to go about it? I used cpp. Is there a better solution?

Himanshu Arora - 7 years ago

still wondering why you asked for T + W + H + R \text{T}+\text{W}+\text{H}+\text{R} instead of T + W + O + H + R + E \text{T}+\text{W}+\text{O}+\text{H}+\text{R}+\text{E} . I got one of my tries incorrect because of that :/

mathh mathh - 6 years, 10 months ago

THREE has odd number of digits, and last digits of TWO and THREE are same. T = 1. L e t E u b e u n i t d g i t . E t t h e t e n t h . Since T=1, it recives no carry. So W=1, 2, or 3. We can see that the following conditions must hold good. No two symbols can represent the same digit. So W=2,3 and O E u . 0,1,5,6 are eliminated from O and E u . E u c a n n o t b e 2 , 3 , 7 , o r 8. Because no square of O will end in these. E u c a n o n l y b e 4 , o r 9. F o r E u to be 4, or 9..... O have to be 2 or 8, OR 3 or 7 . S i n c e E u = E t , i f E u = 9 , O= 3 or 7, an odd digit, so there is no carry or an even carry. Add to the carry the contribution of W 2 t o E t . This is always even. So this makes E t a n e v e n d i g i t ! E i s o n l y e v e n . So only option remaining O=2 or 8 and W= 2 or 3. We can not have W=O=2. So only options remaining are 128, 132, and 138. So we see that 13 8 2 = 19044.. h i t s t h e t a r g e t ! ! ! ! T + W + H + R = 1 + 3 + 9 + 0 = 13 \text{ THREE has odd number of digits, and last digits of TWO and THREE }\\\text{are same. } ~~~\therefore~~~~T=1.~~~~~~~~~~~~~Let ~E_u ~ be ~ unit~ dgit.~~~~~~E_t~the~tenth. \\ \text{Since T=1, it recives no carry. So W=1, 2, or 3. We can see that the } \\\text{following conditions must hold good.} \\ \text{No two symbols can represent the same digit. So W=2,3 and O } \ne E_u. \\\implies\text{0,1,5,6 are eliminated from O and }E_u.~\therefore E_u ~ can~ not~ be~ 2,3,7, or~ 8.\\ \text{ Because no square of O will end in these.} ~E_u~ can~ only ~be~ 4,~ or~ 9. \\For ~~E_u \text{ to be 4, or 9..... O have to be 2 or 8, OR 3 or 7 . } \\Since~E_u=E_t, ~if~E_u=9, ~\text{ O= 3 or 7, an odd digit, so there is no}\\ \text{ carry or an even carry. Add to the carry the contribution of }W^2~ to ~ E_t.\\\text{This is always even. So this makes}~E_t ~an~ even~digit ! \implies E ~is~ only ~even.\\ \text{So only option remaining O=2 or 8 and W= 2 or 3. We can not have} \\\text{ W=O=2. So only options remaining are 128, 132, and 138.}\\ \text{So we see that }~138^2=19044.. ~~~~~~hits ~the ~target !!!!\\T+W+H+R=1+3+9+0=~~~\boxed{\color{#D61F06}{13}}

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